
  1. 这里有湛蓝的天空,雄伟的雪山,永恒孤独的海心岛。

    Here has blue sky , great snow mountain and eternal and alone island of sea heart .

  2. 禁锢的空间永恒的孤独一从空间批评角度分析麦卡勒斯小说的孤独主题杨辉空间批评作为新近发展的文学理论主要涉及文学作品中的景观和空间、空间的社会属性、空间的文化属性等等。

    Spatial Criticism as a newly developed literary theory mainly concerns with the problems of landscape and space , the social properties of space and cultural properties of space in literary works .

  3. 不过大部分问题是永恒的:孤独,难以构建和维持情感关系。

    Most of the issues , however , are eternal : loneliness , difficulty in forming and sustaining relationships .