
tuán jié jiù shì lì liàng
  • Unity is strength;Union is strength
团结就是力量[tuán jié jiù shì lì liàng]
  1. 团结就是力量,请加强你们的合作。

    Union is strength . Please strengthen your cooperation .

  2. 96团结就是力量。

    96 Union is strength .

  3. UnitIsStrength(团结就是力量)(初二适用)气动肌腱与杠杆-铰杆增力机构的组合装置

    Unit Is Strength Unit Equipment of Pneumatic Muscle and Lever-toggle Force Amplifier

  4. 团结就是力量、态度决定一切。

    We believe that unity is strength , attitude decides all .

  5. 斗争实践使我们意识到团结就是力量。

    Practice in struggle has taught us that unity means strength .

  6. 反倾销应诉:团结就是力量

    Meeting the Anti - dumping charges : unity is power

  7. “团结就是力量!”就是说明了团队合作的重要性。

    " Unity is strength ", which means the importance of teamwork .

  8. 面对灾难,团结就是力量。

    The face of disaster , unity is strength .

  9. 不可以貌取人。能言是银,沉默是金。团结就是力量。

    Never judge from appearances.62.speech is silver , silence is gold.62.unity is strength .

  10. 这个故事的教益在于'团结就是力量'。

    The moral of the story is that ' Solidarity is strength ' .

  11. 正如谚语所说的,团结就是力量。

    As the proverb goes , unity is strength .

  12. 这个故事的寓意是“团结就是力量”。

    The moral of the story is that " Solidarity is strength " .

  13. 团结就是力量,好好利用起来吧。

    Strength in numbers is powerful , so use it to your advantage .

  14. 团结就是力量,团结就是胜利。

    Solidarity means strength ; solidarity means victory .

  15. 比利时:团结就是力量。

    Belgium : Unity is the strength .

  16. 这个计划的成功使我们得出这样一个结论:团结就是力量。

    The success of the project lead us to the conclusion : unity is strength .

  17. 团结就是力量农夫一直想让他的三个儿子和睦相处。

    The farmer wants to let him continuously three sons live together in peace and harmony .

  18. 过去我多次说过团结就是力量。

    How many times have I commented in the past about the need to pull together ?

  19. 让我们一起来探索这个国家格言为「团结就是力量」的国度。

    Come take a closer look at the country who 's motto is Unity is Strength .

  20. 让我们将道来传播,团结就是力量,承担神圣使命,彼此互相帮忙。

    Let 's spread dao , union is strength , take holy mission , help one another .

  21. 团结就是力量,为了不吃亏,我们几家小公司必须联合起来。

    Unity is power , so in order to avoid losses , we small businesses must unite .

  22. 整个团队已有近十年的愉快合作历史,并且深信“团结就是力量”这一朴素的道理。

    We have worked together for almost ten years and deeply understood that only solidarity could give us the power .

  23. 此外,经常培训我们的下一代也是必不可少的,为了让他们适应在团队中顺利地沟通。正如谚语所说的,团结就是力量。

    In addition , it is indispensable to train our kids frequently to interact smoothly with others in a team .

  24. 他们使我想到,只有和集体结合才有力量。96团结就是力量。

    They reminded me that one can be strong only when united with the collective . 96 Union is strength .

  25. 来到这个夏令营,我学会了游泳,在各项活动中认识到了团结就是力量,我非常开心!

    Being in the summer camp , I learnt to swim , and I learnt the power of union . I am very happy !

  26. 团结就是力量,合心才能团结,协力才有力量,和气及互爱是凝聚力量的源泉。

    Unity is strength . United Hearts enables unity , Cooperation generates strength , while Harmony and Mutual Love are the sources of cohesive forces .

  27. 因此,需要和信念使我们坚信,对所有自由的民族来说,团结就是力量,分裂便会带来危险。

    So we are persuaded by necessity and by belief that the strength of all free peoples lies in unity ; their danger , in discord .