
  • 网络Team Dynamics;Group Dynamics;Team Power
  1. 包含过程、工具和团队动力

    Contains Process , Tools , and Team Dynamics

  2. 典型代表是,有着较好技术解决方案的团队动力很弱,通常是因为一个学生掌控整个团队而且只按照自己的方式去做。

    Typically , team dynamics are poor on the teams with better technical solutions , usually because one student takes over the team and just does things his or her way .

  3. Earlybird的纳格尔补充称,企业破产的主要原因往往在于团队动力问题。

    Earlybird 's Mr Nadel adds that the main reason a business tends to fail is down to problems with the team dynamic .

  4. 激情是团队的动力,睿智是团队的控制器。

    Passion is power of the team , smart is the control of the team .

  5. 优势项目复合型教练团队的动力机制主要来源于推动力、压力、拉力、支撑力四种驱动力。

    The dynamic mechanism of the dominant sports composite coach team comes mainly from the four driving forces : " driving force , pressure , tension , supporting force " .

  6. 结构方程建模结果显示,高管团队行为动力特征对于高管团队信任的构建作用显著,尤其是团队凝聚和适度分权对工作导向信任和关系导向信任有着显著的积极影响。

    The result of structural equation model revealed that TMT behavioral dynamics had significant affection on TMT trust building and team cohesion and apt decentralization had positively affected on task-oriented trust and relationship-oriented trust .

  7. 当然盲目的乐观并不是好事,只是乐观的领导可以给整个团队灵感和动力。

    Of course , blind optimism isn 't a good thing , but optimistic leaders can inspire and motivate teams .

  8. 软件开发技巧,经验和团队成员的动力,也会影响团队的能力。

    The software development skill set , experience , and motivation of the individual team members , as well as aggregated team capability .

  9. 因此,本文围绕高管团队的行为动力特征、信任构建、信任模式阶段特征、信任绩效过程机制和绩效对信任发展的反馈机制等问题,展开了一系列的相关研究。

    A series of related sub-studies were conducted on content construct , TMT behavior dynamics , trust building , stage characteristic of trust pattern , process mechanism of trust and organizational process , and performance feedback mechanism of trust development .

  10. 有关团队管理的研究日益注重团队行为过程及其因素并聚焦团队动力机制。

    Studies on team management have increasingly focused on team behavioral processes and its dynamic mechanisms .