
  • 网络models for talents cultivation;the cultivation mode;training mode;professional training mode
  1. 农科高职教育产学结合人才培养模式及产学结合途径的开辟研究

    A Study on Models for Talents Cultivation and Ways of Combining Theoretical Research with Practical Production in Higher Professionally Agricultural Education

  2. 市场营销应用型本科人才培养模式探析

    On the Cultivation Mode of Application-oriented Graduates in the Major of Marketing

  3. WTO与我国人才培养模式的改革

    WTO and the Reform of the Training Mode of the Talented Persons of Our Country

  4. TAFE人才培养模式探讨

    TAFE Talent Training Pattern

  5. 本文设计开发了一个基于ASP及其组件技术的在线教育系统,并讨论了如何利用该系统实现高职高专教学中2+1人才培养模式的网上教学。

    This article has designed an on-line education system based on ASP and its module technology , and discussed how to realize on-line teaching about " 2 + 1 " talent education model with this system .

  6. 本研究对CBE、双元制、工学结合、五环联动四种人才培养模式进行了比较分析。

    This research compares and analyses the four kinds of technician-training patterns : CBE , unit doublet system , the combination of working and learning and the linkage of pent-cyclic ring .

  7. KAQ人才培养模式

    KAQ Talent Fostering Mode

  8. 对如何以市场为先导,以能力为本位,实践KAQ人才培养模式进行探讨。

    This article will discuss how to carry out KAQ the mode regarding market as the guide and ability as standard .

  9. 精英教育观与Boyer学术观是支持研究型大学本科教育改革的重要理念。而研究型大学的本科教育正是在不断改革之中逐渐形成创新型人才培养模式的。

    Elite education concept and Boyer 's academic idea contribute much to the reform of undergraduate curricular for innovative students in research-oriented colleges and universities .

  10. 21世纪体育教育专业人才培养模式的构建与实施

    The construction and implementation of PE talents-training model in 21 century

  11. 探索软件人才培养模式为地方经济发展服务

    Exploring Software Talents Training Mode to Serve for Local Economy Development

  12. 高等学校人才培养模式改革

    Research on reforms of talents cultivation mode of colleges and universities

  13. 高等医药教育人才培养模式的内涵及其动因

    Connotation and Motivity of Talents Cultivation on Higher Education of Medicament

  14. 高校旅游本科教育双创应用型人才培养模式理论构建

    Theory Building of Application Talent Training Mode in University Tourism Education

  15. 成人高等教育订单式人才培养模式的探析

    On " Order " Talent Training Model for Adult Higher Education

  16. 高等院校师范专业人才培养模式探究

    On the Mould of Training Qualified Normal Graduates from Higher School

  17. 高校矿业类专业人才培养模式探讨

    The Study on Training Modes of Professional Talents in Mining Industry

  18. 智能建筑技术人才培养模式研究

    Study on the personnel training mode of the intelligent building technology

  19. 关于现代远程教育的人才培养模式改革的思考

    Thought of Human Cultivating Model Reform in the Modern Distance Education

  20. 二年制软件技术专业紧缺人才培养模式探讨

    An Inquiry into the Teaching Patterns of Two-year Software Technical Professionals

  21. 宽口径土木工程专业人才培养模式研究

    On the model of fostering wide-caliber talents in civil engineering speciality

  22. 对女子高等院校以就业为导向的人才培养模式的探讨

    Discussion on Employment-Oriented Talents ' Cultivating Mode of Female Higher Education

  23. 美国高等医学人才培养模式的研究

    The Study on the Cultivation Model for the American Medical Students

  24. 孔子的教育思想与现代人才培养模式探析

    A Probe into Confucius Education Thought and Modern Talent Fostering Model

  25. 独立学院人才培养模式的构建与实践

    Construction and practice of a talent training model for independent institutes

  26. 如何构建会展专业的复合型创新人才培养模式。

    How to constructs specialized person-raise pattern of multi-skill innovation talented .

  27. 创新人才培养模式对提高教学质量的影响&兼谈盘锦职业技术学院人才培养模式的实践探索

    On Effect of Innovation in Talent-Training Model to Improvement of Teaching Quality

  28. 信息安全专业人才培养模式探讨

    The Discussing on Cultivating Mode of Information Security Specialty Talents

  29. 我国高等工程人才培养模式研究

    A Research on Model of Talent Cultivation for Chinese Higher Engineering Institutions

  30. 社区卫生服务人才培养模式研究

    A study of training model on community health service talent