
tuán zhī bù
  • Youth League branch
团支部[tuán zhī bù]
  1. 强化基层团支部在高校思想政治教育中的作用

    Strengthening function of grass-roots Youth League branch in ideological and political education in colleges and universities

  2. 高校学生党支部(党小组)、班委会、团支部三位一体的班级建设模式研究

    The Party Branch or Party Groups , the Class Committee , the Youth League Branch " Three in One " Model in the Construction of the University Class

  3. 高校团支部文化建设中的不利因素及应对措施

    Unfavorable Factors in the Construction of College League Branches and Countermeasures

  4. 三年级:本班团支部书记。

    Junior year : League secretary of the clrear end .

  5. 他不仅当选为班长,还当选为团支部书记。

    He was elected not only monitor but also League branch secretary .

  6. 但当前高校基层团支部在建设和管理中存在多方面的问题。

    Yet , a lot of problems still exist in its construction and development .

  7. 作为团支部书记,你应该在同学最困难的时候帮助他。

    As a League branch secretary , you 're supposed to help the students when he is badly in difficulty .

  8. 有的人中学经历特辉煌,做过学生会主席、当过团支部书记,学习成绩也名列前茅。

    Some people experience , brilliant , middle school student association President , done as a youth corps secretary , study is also a front-runner .

  9. 尤其是大学四年,我担任班级团支部书记和辅导员助理这两个要职,深受老师和同学的信任。

    In particular , I was branch secretary and assistant instructor of the two positions in university , and I have received the teachers and students'trust .

  10. 那么,在班级建设中运用党支部、团支部、班委会三位一体的班级管理模式成为可能。

    Then , in the class construction , the use of the " three-in-one " class management mode of Party branch , League branch and the class become possible .

  11. 系统管理实现了通用数据设置、行业分类、数据上报、数据备份和口令设置等功能,并展示了团支部工作手册。

    System management to achieve a common data set , industry classification , data transmission , data backup and password settings and other functions , and show the League branch job handbook .

  12. 她做过侦察队的分队长,青年团的支部书记,后来是反性青年团。

    She had been a troop-leader in the spies and a branch secretary in the Youth League before joining the junior anti-sex league .

  13. 本文主要从党建带团建、支部班子建设以及支部文化建设等方面去分析并提出相应的对策。

    The paper intends to pose some countermeasures from " party building leads league building ", leadership construction and cultural construction aspects .

  14. 在一次类似的空袭过后我们团的团支部书记受伤了,政治部命令我临时代理团支书。

    After one such raid the regiment 's komsorg ( KOMSOMOL organizer-trans . ) was wounded and the political department appointed me acting komsorg .

  15. 高校团组织要激发团支部的活力、建立团员的评价标准、加强推优工作的组织领导等方面来完善推优工作。

    To improve this work , the League organization in colleges and universities should arouse the vitality of the League branch , establish a criterion for judging League members , and strengthen the leadership of the work .