
  1. 首先你需要决定的是,你是否会实施任何团队观念,比如进攻、防守或套路。

    The first thing you 'll need to decide is if you 'll be implementing any team concepts like offenses , defenses , or set plays .

  2. 例如,许多公司用生存学校作为强化领导能力和团队协作观念的方式。

    For example , many companies are using survival schools as a means to reinforce the concepts of leadership and team work .

  3. 这些特征,要求服务公司的文化形象,能够突出地显示:职工成熟,团队创新,观念先进,经营守信,承诺兑现,时点准确,过程愉悦,顾客满意。

    These characteristic request it the culture image of the service company can be extrude manifestation : ripe enterprise governor and worker , team creative , idea forerunner , management keep promise , commitment cashing , accurate time and location , process pleased , customer satisfaction .

  4. 团队成员开始引领观念转变

    Team members start leading the conceptual change

  5. 逐步地,这些小的观念转变积累成为团队对于软件开发观念的显著转变。

    Gradually , these small conceptual changes accumulate to a meaningful change in the team 's conception of software development .

  6. 若我们的团队没有多元的观念,若没有员工会每天亲身经历这些问题,我们将无法成功地建立一个企业。

    We can 't build a business that is successful unless we have a diversity of perspective inside of our walls that actually feel these issues every single day .

  7. 一旦参与者都专心投入活动之中,历险活动便成为了解团队,打破陈腐观念的有效工具,能够明确指出沟通合作的障碍,效率低落的原因,还能敞开心胸接受新观念、新角色和新的可能性。

    Once participants are immersed , adventure becomes a powerful vehicle for taking a group 's pulse , breaking through stale assumptions , identifying barriers to communication , cooperation and effectiveness , and opening minds to new ideas , roles and possibilities .

  8. 其实创建一个优秀创新团队的关键不是创新型企业有没有足够的人才供挑选,而在于管理者有没有一个正确的组织团队的观念。

    In fact , the key to create a good creative team is not innovative enterprises have enough qualified personnel for the selection , but that managers have a correct idea of the organization team .