
  1. WPP最著称的是作为企业公关行业的翘楚,其首席执行官马丁•索雷尔爵士(SirMartinSorrell)已将一个曾经制造铁丝篮的企业转型为全球第二大营销服务集团。

    WPP is best known as a powerhouse in the corporate communications business . Sir Martin Sorrell , its chief executive , has transformed what was once a business making wire baskets into the world 's second-largest marketing services group .

  2. 杰克逊从事公关行业,也是52岁,从未结过婚。

    She , a publicist and also 52 , had never married .

  3. 外资成功介入的与传媒最接近的领域是公关行业,公关实际上就是宣传。

    The closest anyone has come is in public relations , which is really propaganda .

  4. 游说及公关行业影响着华盛顿做出的几乎每个重大决策。

    The lobbying and public relations industry influences nearly every significant decision made in Washington .

  5. 专业人员的职业道德问题在最近几年已经成为公关行业的一个重要问题。

    The problem of professional ethics has become an important issue in PR industry in recent years .

  6. 事实上,曹学林的很多同学都成为了金融分析师,或就职于公关行业。

    In fact , many of Cao 's classmates became finance analysts or even work in public relations .

  7. 他们现在表示,他们和他们的客户不能只是嘴上说说道德行为,而是要展现道德行为。这些话有一部分是公关行业在为自己公关,但也有一部分是实话。

    They now say that they and their clients must not just profess ethical behaviour , but demonstrate it .

  8. 当被问及为何选择公关行业时,她说因为这份工作可以令她接触到很多有趣的人。

    When asked why she wanted to work in PR , she said the job would enable her to meet a lot of interesting people .

  9. 在全球经济信息化的背景下,许多公司,尤其是公关行业,特别重视新闻媒体在公司宣传和战略决策中的作用。

    Against the background of a globalized economy driven by information , a variety of companies , especially those in the industry of public relations , put much emphases on the value of news media during the promotion and decision-making process of a company .

  10. 公关关系行业以及教育于20世纪80年代进入中国,经过二十多年的蓬勃发展已有丰硕成果。

    Public Relations practice and education had entered into China since 1980 . PR industry and education have shown prosperous growth within the past 20 years .

  11. 中国公关业增长迅速,市场竞争日趋激烈,新热点不断涌现,但外部环境及本地公关公司自身的差距等原因,致使中国公关行业依然落后。

    The Chinese public relation industry is rapidly growing , the market competition is increasingly tense , new hot spots are cropping up one after another .