
àn wài rén
  • Outsider;person other than involved in the case
  1. 既然申请再审被视为一种特定的针对生效裁判而发生的诉讼,则对于案外人申请再审这一特定之诉即应规定以正当的、可操作的程序来处理。

    Since the application for new trial is regarded as a kind of special lawsuit aiming at legally effective judgment , the application of the person other than involved in the case for new trial should stipulate in proper , operational procedures for handling .

  2. 案外人逾期不起诉,法院可继续执行。

    Third Party fails to prosecute , the court may continue .

  3. (二)案外人对执行标的提出确有理由的异议的;

    An outsider raises an obviously reasonable objection to the object of the execution ;

  4. 执行程序中案外人异议处理的探讨

    Discussion on the settlement of disputes raised by the third party during procedure of judicial enforcement

  5. 论案外人申请再审的制度价值与程序设计

    On Systematic Value & Procedural Design Of Applying For Retrial For Persons Other Than Involved In The Case

  6. 本部分针对前文所述的案外人异议制度的缺陷,分别从程序性异议制度和实体性异议制度两方面提出自己的完善建议。

    On the basic of the above-mentioned deficiencies , this part respectively consummate both procedural opposition system and substantive opposition system .

  7. 赋予与再审裁判有法律上利害关系的案外人申请再审的权利;

    Endow people who are not involved in the case but legally related to the rehearing judgment the rights to ask for rehearing ;

  8. 执行过程中,案外人对执行标的提出异议的,执行员应当按照法定程序进行审查。

    Where an outsider objects to the objectives of the execution in the course of the execution , the marshal shall make an examination according to law .

  9. 摘要执行异议制度是为保护执行案件案外人不受强制执行行为不当或违法侵害而设立的一项救济制度。

    The opposition system is a relief system that has been instituted in order to protect people outside related civil cases from improper execution behavior or unlawful infringement .

  10. 笔者通过对我国执行审查制度在立法上所存在的缺陷进行分析,借鉴国外关于异议审查制度的相关规定,从而提出完善我国民事执行中案外人异议审查制度的几点设想。

    This article analyzes the weakness in the executive legislation in light of foreign objection reviewing systems , and proposes some suggestions to better Chinese civil executive reviewing system .

  11. 在分析一个案例的基础上,指出依现行法律处理执行程序中案外人异议存在的主要问题,并提出具体建议。

    Based on analyzing an example of case , This paper points out main existing problem during procedure of judicial enforcement , and puts forward corresponding solutions to them .

  12. 诉讼指挥权针对的主体既包括当事人、代理人和其他诉讼参与人,也包括案外人;释明义务仅针对当事人行使。

    The subjects that the direction of proceeding power includes involved parties , agents , other lawsuits participants and also outsiders ; the interpretation obligation merely aims at involved party .

  13. 恶意诉讼的侵权责任的主体应为一切诉讼参与人,甚至包括某些案外人,但司法机关及其工作人员除外。

    The subjective of malicious prosecution could be any participant in every procedure law relationship , even including some person not involved in the case except the judiciary and its officers .

  14. 专家法律意见书作为案外人影响法院判决的一种方式在我国的司法实践中已经广泛存在,然而对于专家法律意见书的争议却从未中断过。

    As a way of non-parties to influence the court decision , expert legal opinion has widely existed in Chinese judicial practice ; but the controversy on it has never stopped .

  15. 执行救济本质上是一种权利,是一种补救的方式或途径,同时也是国家为维护当事人或案外人的合法权益而设立的一项法律制度。

    Executive remedy is not only a kind of right or a kind of remedy for the violated right , but also a legal instrument to protect the parties related the enforcement .

  16. 搜查是刑事诉讼法规定的侦查行为之一,搜查行为在有效地惩罚犯罪的同时,极易对犯罪嫌疑人或者案外人的人身、财产及隐私权造成侵犯。

    The act of search can efficiently control crime , yet it is easy to violate the rights to person , property and privacy of both a suspect and other related people .

  17. 然后着重比较研究了大陆法系几个典型国家地区对于案外人异议之诉的立法现状和司法实践经验,并以此作为借鉴。

    Then focus on a comparative study of civil law countries and regions of several typical outsider raises objection to the action of the legislative and judicial practice experience , and as a reference .

  18. 民事执行程序中的实体争议,是指在民事执行程序中,发生于执行当事人、案外人之间,与法院的执行行为相关联的、有关民事实体权利义务的争议。

    Substantive dispute of the civil execution refers to the dispute relating to executing acts of the court and substantive rights and obligations between the parties and a third party during the civil execution .

  19. 在此基础上分析指出我国修改前后的《民事诉讼法》关于案外人执行异议之诉制度规定的进步方面以及缺陷和不足。

    Based on this analysis points out the changes before and after the " Civil Procedure Act " on the outsider raises objection to the appeal system requires the implementation progress as well as defects and deficiencies .

  20. 进而对案外人执行异议之诉制度的构建进行深入探讨并提出了切实可行的建议,以期科学合理地构建我国的案外人执行异议之诉制度。

    Then the implementation of the outsider raises objection v. System in-depth study and put forward practical proposals to build a scientific and rational manner the implementation of our lawsuit about outsiders ' dissidence to civil execution system .

  21. 所谓再审之诉,就是将宪法所规定的申诉权利,将当事人(案外人)对生效裁判的申诉权利,提升为一种诉讼权利。

    So-called new trial lawsuit is stipulated in the constitution of the appeal rights , which make person other than involved in the case in the appeal rights promoted a litigation rights , namely , so-called appeal rights .

  22. 案外人申请再审主体资格的理论探析及司法把握&兼评《审监解释》第五条第一款

    Study of Dissent in Execution 's Subject Qualification for Retrial and the Justice Assurance & Comment the First Paragraph of Article 5 of Judicial Interpretation with Regard to the Application of Adjudication Supervision Procedure of Civil Procedure Law

  23. 案外人执行异议之诉与普通的民事诉讼之所以不同,主要体现在诉讼的形成原因和终极目的、诉争标的物的状态等方面。

    Third Party objection complaint with the implementation of general civil litigation is distinctive , mainly reflected in the proceedings of the causes and the ultimate objective , v. state of war and other aspects of the subject matter .

  24. 执行救济是指在强制执行过程中,当事人或案外人认为自己的合法权益受到强制执行行为侵害或可能受到侵害时,请求保护和救济的一种法律制度。

    Executive remedy is one legal instrument that means in the enforcement proceeding , parties in or out of the case have the right to claim protection or remedy when their right or interests violated or threatened by this enforcement .

  25. 认为可以借鉴刑事诉讼法相关制度,对任意将案外人引入诉讼的主体才取程序性制裁措施,并且根据对案外人造成损失的程度对其予以赔偿,使其损失降至最低。

    That can draw lessons from the criminal law , to any outsider into lawsuit main body will only take the procedural sanction measures , and according to the intervenors . Loss of compensation , the losses to the minimum .

  26. 本文的重点在于审查案外人执行异议之诉的审判难点及其现阶段的解决办法,文章分别从实体法意义上和程序法意义上作以分析。

    This article focuses on the Third Party Review of the implementation of objection and appeal of the trial difficult solution at this stage , articles were from the sense of substantive law and procedural law to make sense to analyze .

  27. 实践中,特别是在强制拍卖中案外人优先购买权的保护应予加强,只有这样才能使优先购买权真正的得到实现和救济。

    In practice , especially in the compulsory auction . The protection of the prior call to the person out of course should be strengthening . Only in this way could make the prior call actually be carrying out and get relief .

  28. 但由于法律修改的仓促而导致的立法缺陷以及司法实务工作的复杂性,我国的案外人异议制度仍存在诸多不足之处,有待进一步完善。

    However , because there are some legislative defect bought by the hurry amendment and the complexity of judicial practice , the opposition system of persons other than involved in the case in our country still has many disadvantages . We should consummate it further .

  29. 为了提高执行效率,减少执行难,执行机关往往忽视债务人与案外人的权利,执行过程中的执行瑕疵严重损害了债务人和案外人的合法权益。

    In order to advance the efficiency , and reduce the phenomenon , enforcement authorities tend to ignore the rights of the debtor and the third party . The implementation process of the performance defects badly damaged the legal rights of the debtor and the third party .

  30. 近年来,因民事执行而导致案外人的权益受损已成为一个热点、难点问题,引起了决策者的重视和社会的广泛关注。

    The rights and interests of persons other than involved in the case damaged in the civil execution have been a hot and difficult problem in the recent years , which has generated decision makers ' concerns and coursed a great deal of attention in the society .