
  • 网络case method
  1. 浅谈非计算机专业VFP程序设计案例式教学

    Case Teaching in VFP Program Designing for Non-computer Major Students

  2. VFP课程案例式教学的探索与实践

    On the VFP Example Analytic Teaching Practice

  3. 案例式教学法;医学影像学;教学质量。

    Guidance-cases teaching method ; Medical radiology ; Teaching quality .

  4. 经济法专业推行案例式教学的几点想法

    Some Thoughts on the Practice of Case-Teaching in the Economic Law Specialty

  5. 护理伦理学教学中运用案例式教学的体会

    Use of the Case Study Approach in Teaching Nursing Ethics

  6. 案例式教学法在卫生服务营销教学中的应用

    The Application of the Case Teaching Method to Health Care Service Marketing

  7. 在程序设计课程中导入案例式教学方法

    Introduce the case-teaching method into the program design courses

  8. 案例式教学法在医学微生物学各论教学中的应用体会

    Experience of Case-based Teaching Approach in Medical Microbiology Teaching

  9. 案例式教学模式。

    " Case Methods of Teaching " model .

  10. 介绍了案例式教学的大致内容,并揭示了教学、科研和司法实践三者之间的内在有机联系。

    After a brief introduction of case-teaching , its internal relationship with scientific research and judicial practice is revealed .

  11. 信息网络环境下的案例式教学与多学习模式的运用可以更大程度地提供给学习者以自主性与学习方便。

    Based on multi-learning model , the network case teaching model can provide more extent autonomy and learning convenience for learner .

  12. 测试结果表明案例式教学法多次测试成绩均显著高于传统多媒体教学法;

    The questionnaire survey indicates the satisfaction degree of guidance-cases teaching method is higher than that of traditional multimedia teaching method .

  13. 案例式教学法在妇产科理论教学中的应用初探

    Primary study of problem - based learning using in gynecology and obstetrics course ; Discussion on effect of case-based learning in gynecology teaching

  14. 案例式教学模式顺应社会发展要求,以大力培养实用型、技能型的高职人才为目标,为当前高职院校教育教学改革提供了新的思路。

    The case-teaching mode follows requirements of social development , aims at training skilled talents , and provides new thoughts for current teaching reform .

  15. 采用案例式教学法,增加实践环节,有利于调动学生的积极性,提高学生职业技能和创新能力,教学效果也得到了明显改善。

    Help In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students and enhance students professional skills and innovation , teaching effectiveness has also been improved significantly .

  16. 以IT类专业技术课《微机原理与应用》为对象,分析了采用案例式教学的特点与合理性,阐述了案例库的开发、建设和效果评价,对应注意的问题作了提示。

    The characteristics and rationality of case teaching in the course Principle and Application of Computer are analyzed in the article to explain development of case base and its construction , putting forward problems needing attention .

  17. 结合染整工厂生产实际,高职染整技术专业可采用现场式、多媒体和案例式教学方式,使专业教学达到实用性、针对性和直观性的要求;

    According to the production requirements of dyeing and finishing factories , different teaching methods such as spot teaching , multimedia teaching , and case teaching can be employed in the teaching process of dyeing and finishing major courses so as to attain practicality , aim and visualization .

  18. 远程教育环境下案例讨论式教学初探

    Probe in Case Discussing Teaching Model Under the Circumstance of Distance Education

  19. 临床护理学案例讨论式教学法角色模式初探

    Probe into cases discussion teaching method of clinical nursing science

  20. 通过对基于多学习模式案例式网络教学中各元素间关系的分析.逐步建立系统的概念模型、系统实现模型与体系架构。

    After analyzing the relationship among these elements in network case teaching based on multilearning mode , establishes the system conceptual model , implementation model and architecture .

  21. 方法在岗前培训中采取案例问题式教学,通过能力题考试进行学习效果评价。

    Method The teaching method of problem-focused case discussion was used in the process of training before on duty , and the effectiveness was evaluated through examination of ability .

  22. 数据结构一向以它的抽象性和理论深度成为学习或编程的难点,结合现实模型进行案例分析式教学与编程训练是教学改革的趋势。

    Data structure have been a difficult part in studying or programming because of its abstraction and theory profundity , and case-studying teaching and programming training with realistic model is the trend of teaching reform .

  23. 优化中医统计学教学过程应加强教材建设,实施案例讨论式教学及多媒体教学,注重实践教学环节,从而培养学生创新思维的能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力。

    Optimizing of teaching process of statistics of TCM , should enhance teaching material construct , actualize case-discussing teaching and multimedia teaching , pay attention to practicing teaching link . Accordingly cultivate student innovative thinking ability , analyze and solve problem ability .

  24. 案例-任务式教学模式在计算机基础教学中的探索与实践

    Research and Practice of the Teaching Model of Case-task based on Basic Computer Teaching

  25. 为此,应不断整合、更新教学内容,加强区域人文地理的学习,实行启发式、案例讨论式的教学方法,以提高导游人员的服务技能。

    Therefore , we should integrate and change teaching contents , improve the study on human geography and take heuristic and case-discussing teaching method to increase tour guides'service ability .

  26. 通过分析高中物理实验课教学的现状及瓶颈,提出适合于高中物理实验课教学的探究式教学模式,并以实践案例对探究式教学模式进行了说明。

    By analyzing the current condition of senior high physical experiment teaching and the bottlenecks , put forward inquiry teaching model , which is suitable for senior high physics experimental teaching . In addition , give a detailed description to inquiry teaching model with practical cases .

  27. 第四部分结合实践活动案例对幼儿园体验式教学的目标、内容、评价及教学组织形式进行分析。

    The fourth part analyzed the goal , the content , the appraisal and the form of teaching and organization of the experience teaching in the kindergarten through practical cases .

  28. 在工程制图教学中,合理利用各种教学手段,把启发式、讨论式、案例式和渗透式教学方法有机结合,从而提高教学效果。

    In the teaching of engineering drafting , we should apply all kinds of teaching methods reasonably , combining elicitation , discussion , cases with penetrating to improve the teaching effect .

  29. 接下来,本文详细阐述了以下三种有效的教学方法,对话教学,案例教学及讨论式教学,将它们有效运用于实际的教学中,在一定程度上可以提高学生的批判性思维。

    Then this thesis explained the following three teaching methodologies in detail . They are dialogue teaching , case teaching and discussion teaching . If teachers can apply these three methods into their teaching , to some extent , students ' critical thinking competence could be improved .