
  1. 法律硕士(JM)教育作为一种专业学位教育,是中国培养高层次应用型法律人才的主要渠道。

    As a professional degree education in China , Juris Master education has become the main channel for high-level and application-oriented legal talent training model .

  2. 试论应用型法律人才的素质培养

    Thesis on the training of quality of applied legal worker

  3. 模拟法庭教学法与应用型法律人才的培养

    Simulated Court Teaching Method and Practical Legal Personnel Training

  4. 培养应用型法律人才是我国法学教育改革的方向。

    Training a team of practice law persons is the reform direction of law education in our country .

  5. 只有采用适合培养应用型法律人才教学方法,才能适应应用型法律人才的培养要求。

    Only by adopting good methods , can we meed the demand talented for trainning applied law talents person .

  6. 依法治国方略的实现,需要有一个强大的法律职业共同体,而我国法律职业教育却未能培养出大批的高层次应用型法律人才。

    To govern the country according to law , a strong community of legal vocation is needed , while we haven 't cultivated large quantities of high leveled and applying legal persons yet .

  7. 从其定位和培养目标看,其教育性质属于硕士层次培养应用型法律人才的职业教育,因此,在培养方式上应采用职业化培养模式。

    In terms of its orientation and educational objective , the education of JM by its nature should be a professional education targeted to train applied law talents with master degrees . Thus the educational form should be professionalized .

  8. 课程实践环节是开放教育试点法学专业实践性教学环节的一部分,是整个教学过程的组成部分,也是实现应用型专门法律人才培养目标的一个重要环节;

    The course practice step is one of the key sectors in the teaching process of law major in experimental unit of open education , and also a component of the whole teaching process which can be used to achieve the goal of training specialized .