
guàng dang
  • Wandering;loaf about;loiter;linger idly;gad about
逛荡 [guàng dàng]
  • [loiter;loaf about] 以空闲的样子留在一地或附近;无目的地或好像无目的地闲荡

  • 我刚才听说,三麻子悄悄溜出去了,不定到哪儿逛荡去啦。-- 孔厥. 袁静《新儿女英雄传》

逛荡[guàng dang]
  1. 士兵们在街角逛荡。

    Soldiers loafed at street corners .

  2. 从前他时常在公园里逛荡,无所事事。

    Formerly he often lingered about [ around ] a park , doing nothing .

  3. 我不喜欢看到年轻人游手好闲地在城里逛荡。

    I don 't like to see young people loafing about the town with nothing to do .

  4. 一个凶险叵测的人影正在树丛后面逛荡。

    A rather sinister figure was walking about behind the bushes .

  5. 他先瞎逛荡了一会儿,弄了点东西吃了。

    He wandered about a while , obtained something to eat .

  6. 他花了不少时间在欧洲大陆到处逛荡。

    He spent a lot of time jauting about on the Continent .

  7. 以前常常在弗格森巷附近逛荡。

    Used to hang around ferguson 's alley .

  8. 我精神迷惘,在欢笑的人群中毫无目的地逛荡,消磨了差不多一整天。

    I spent most of the day in a mental fog , wandering aimlessly through crowds of laughing , happy people .

  9. 不久,树叶纷纷飘零,海湾刮来阵阵寒风。鲁本在街头四处逛荡,努力寻找着被他视为宝物的麻袋。

    Soon the leaves fell and the winds blew cold and gusty from the bay Reuben wandered the streets , diligently searching for his hessian treasures .

  10. 由于人生地不熟,他也不感到这身破衣服在公众场所中的寒酸,自由自在地在这个城市的四面八方逛荡。

    As a stranger to the town , Sun Shaoping did not feel humbly embarrassed in wearing shabby outfit in public , and loafed freely about all places .

  11. “我希望这是对你的一个教训,以后别再在这山间瞎逛荡。”从厨房门口传来希刺克厉夫的严厉的喊声:“至于住在这儿,我可没有招待客人的设备。

    I hope it will be a lesson to you to make no more rash journeys on these hills , 'cried Heathcliff 's stern voice from the kitchen entrance .

  12. 在我们需要玩这个游戏,过了很久之后,我们依然在那里逛荡。

    Long after we need to play it , we 're still in there swinging ( so to speak ) because we 're better at it than at other games .

  13. 然而,即使在生活中没能得到想要的结果,也没理由在自己的小圈子里悠闲逛荡,对未知事物诚惶诚恐。

    However , if we are failing to get the results we want in life , there is no point hanging around in our comfort zone , fearing the unknown .

  14. 周一早晨,当王文忠的队伍耐心地等待进入灾区的放行信号时,一群着装各异、来自云南各地的年轻人却在县政府办公室外面逛荡,试图搭个便车。

    While Mr. Wang 's crew waited patiently for the go-ahead to enter the quake zone on Monday morning , another group of un-uniformed youth from various parts of Yunnan was loitering outside the county government offices trying to hitch a ride .