
ɡuànɡ jiē
  • Shopping;window-shop;stroll down the street
逛街 [guàng jiē]
  • [saunter;stroll along the street] [口]∶指街头散步;在街上闲逛

  1. 他们养成了挽着胳膊逛街的习惯。

    They had taken to wandering through the streets arm-in-arm .

  2. 逛街买衣服是件挺没意思的事。

    As far as shopping for clothes goes , it 's a drag

  3. 问题是,我是应该和他去看电影,还是应该和她去逛街。

    The question is whether I should go to the cinema with him , or go shopping with her .

  4. 我喜欢每周末和朋友一起逛街。

    Going shopping with friends every weekend is my cup of tea .

  5. 那个因逛街时顺手牵羊而被捉到的百万富翁,被发现有盗窃癖。

    The millionaire who was caught shoplifting was found to be suffering from kleptomania .

  6. 两颗番茄去逛街,第一颗番茄突然走得很快,第二颗番茄就问:“我们要去哪里?”第一颗番茄没有回答,第二颗番茄又问了一次。

    Two tomatoes went shopping . The first tomato walked fast . The second one asked , " Where are we going : " We are not tomatoes ?

  7. A:昨天逛街看上了一件衣服,店员看了我几眼然后说,对不起,本店没有你可以穿的尺码。

    I went shopping yesterday . When I wanted to buy a dress , the shop assistant looked me up and down , then said : " Sorry , we don 't have your size in the shop . "

  8. 生活在现在这个时代你可能不会有太多时间去逛街扫货赶时髦,也许有一天你会忽然惊觉自己衣橱里的东西糟透了——衣服堆得满满的,但是却找不出一件像样的可以穿。

    In today ’ s world there isn ’ t always time to shop or keep up with the latest fashion , and you may one day wake up and find your wardrobe a disaster -- full of clothes but you can ’ t find a decent piece to wear .

  9. 嘿!Larry,如果我逛街逛累了,是不是能说shoppingbeatme?

    LL : No , you can only say , I 'm beat from shopping .

  10. Emma和妈妈去新天地逛街、吃饭。

    Emma and mommy went eating and shopping at New World .

  11. 利物浦时尚零售购物中心LiverpoolOne的一个女发言人说:与闺蜜逛街,尽管有时候是一个更奢侈的经历,但可以比起独自逛街获得更多的享受。她委托进行这项研究调查了2000个女性。

    A spokeswoman for Liverpool ONE , which commissioned the study of 2,000 women , said : ` Shopping with friends , while sometimes a more costly experience , can often be far more enjoyable than going to the high street alone .

  12. 利物浦时尚零售购物中心LiverpoolONE的一个女发言人说:“与闺蜜逛街,尽管有时候是一个更奢侈的经历,但可以比起独自逛街获得更多的享受。”她委托进行这项研究调查了2000个女性。

    A spokeswoman for Liverpool ONE , which commissioned the study of 2 , 000 women , said : ' Shopping with friends , while sometimes a more costly experience , can often be far more enjoyable than going to the high street alone .

  13. 如果有来世,我化身为F4或是周杰伦,我想我会戴上眼镜和帽子去逛街。

    If I have afterlife , I am F4 or Joy Zhou , I think I will go to shopping with glasses and hat .

  14. 他们一起逛街的时候手牵着手,Penn没有注意到身边有一群《绯闻女孩》的粉丝,粉丝们拦下了他们。

    The couple held hands as they strolled the streets , and Penn didn 't go unnoticed by a group of Gossip Girl fans , who flagged him down as they walked by .

  15. 因而男女主角,同时也是情侣的IanSomerhalder以及NinaDobrev也得以抽空一起逛街。

    And the co-star sweethearts Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder have been enjoying their time off , going on a romantic spring stroll in the trendy SoHo neighborhood of Manhattan today .

  16. 意大利的大亨总理贝卢斯科尼(SilvioBerlusconi)一直在敦促人们逛街消费,但越来越多的证据表明,意大利人选择了无视这个免费(更不用说廉价)的建议。

    Silvio Berlusconi , Italy 's tycoon-premier , has been urging people to shop , but there is mounting evidence that they are choosing to ignore that bit of free ( not to mention cheap ) advice .

  17. PeterWarren:“当人们逛街的时候,他们通常非常警惕陌生人。而在网络上,他们通常盲目地信任任何人或者任何网站,无论看上去多么可疑。”

    PETER WARREN : " If they 're walking down the street , they have many of their senses with them and they 're very , very aware of strangers . On the Internet they seem to be so trusting of anybody and of any website , no matter how suspicious it may look . "

  18. 逛街是许多女孩用以消磨时间的首选方式。

    Window-shopping is some girls the first-selected way to kill time .

  19. 到市中心逛街时,看见一部拍大头贴的机器。

    Downtown shopping , I saw a picture of the machine .

  20. 你可以叫上我,我们一起去逛街。

    You can call on me and we go shopping together .

  21. 不要错过和朋友逛街购物的绝佳机会哦!

    Let 's have fun with friends and do some shopping !

  22. 连逛街都不来了!

    He even gave up a stroll along the streets here !

  23. 你为什么每次逛街都这样呢?

    Why are you always like this when you 're shopping ?

  24. 令人意外的是,事实上逛街对男人的益处更大。

    And surprisingly , the benefits are actually greater for men .

  25. 第一天早晨他出去逛街。

    On the first morning he went out for a walk .

  26. A如果你有空的话,我们可以一起去逛街。

    We could go shopping if you have some free time .

  27. 我们刚刚为参加首映礼去逛街买了点衣服。

    We just went shopping for our outfits for the premiere .

  28. 我喜欢逛街,而我男朋友喜欢在家玩游戏。

    I enjoy shopping while my boyfriend enjoys playing at home .

  29. 没有人陪我吃饭逛街。

    Nobody go with me to have dinner or go shopping .

  30. 下雨天逛街很有意思。

    It 's fun to go malling on a raining day .