
  1. 实施大学生就业促进计划,应届高校毕业生绝大部分实现就业。

    We implemented the program for promoting employment of university graduates , thus enabling the vast majority of new college graduates to find jobs .

  2. 此外,制度因素与家庭因素等先赋性因素也对应届高校毕业生职业地位获得产生一定的影响。

    In addition , the institutional factors and family factors ascribed factors also have a certain impact on the college graduates occupation status . 5 .

  3. 根据高校毕业生职业地位获得的多元回归结果,以教育因素为代表的后致性因素仍然是影响应届高校毕业生职业地位获得的重要因素。

    According to the regression results of college graduates occupation status , with education as the representative of the factor is still is an important influence factor to get fresh college graduates occupation status .

  4. 2013年中期,中国政府透露,只有大约一半应届高校毕业生能找到工作,而上一年的毕业生中超过20%的人依然处于待业状态。

    In mid-2013 , the Chinese government revealed that only about half of the country 's current crop of college graduates had been able to find jobs , while more than 20 percent of the previous year 's graduates remained unemployed .