
  • 网络receivables financing;account receivable financing
  1. 如何完善我国相关的法律法规,以使其为应收账款融资的开展提供自由与安全并重的制度环境,至关重要。

    How to perfect the relevant regulations in order to provide a free and safe environment for the account receivable financing is quite important .

  2. 此外,应收账款融资实系将未来利益提前变现,是债权在当今经济生活中占据优越地位的体现之一,也是债权独立性、流通性和财产性终获凸显的标志。

    In addition , account receivable financing is a means to convert future benefits into present benefits . It is an attribute which displays the creditors ' right has dominated our modern economy life . The independent character , property character and circulation character are enforced .

  3. 应收账款融资是最古老的融资形式之一。

    Accounts receivable financing is one of the oldest forms of lending .

  4. 为应收账款融资业务的发展奠定理论基础。

    Lay the theoretical foundation forthe development of accounts receivable financing business .

  5. 小企业应收账款融资的会计处理

    Accounting Treatment of Funding of Accounts Receivable in Small-sized Enterprises

  6. 中小企业应收账款融资:法与金融学分析

    Debtor Financing for Small & Medium-sized Firms : A Legal and Financial Analysis

  7. 应收账款融资的方式与前景分析

    Prospect and Method of Accounts Receivable Financing

  8. 应收账款融资可以为你的公司提供及时快速的现金流。

    Accounts receivable financing can provide your company with an immediate source of cash flow .

  9. 应收账款融资担保方式及其制度选择

    The Manner of Incorporation Guarantee of Debts to be Collected and the Choice of Systematic Regulations

  10. 80年代中期,应收账款融资主要应用于纺织和服装产业。

    Until the mid-1980 's , accounts receivable financing was used mostly in the textile and garment industries .

  11. 运作的主要模式有保兑仓融资模式、应收账款融资模式、动产质押融资模式等。

    The main mode consists of the Guarantees cashing in financing warehouse , the financing model receivable accounts , and the Chattel Mortgage mode .

  12. 保理是建立在销售信用管理基础上的应收账款融资业务,它独特的管理职能和融资职能使其对当今中国企业乃至中国经济具有重要的价值。

    Factoring , the receivable finance based on trade credit management , is valuable to our companies for improving their receivable management as well as their cash flow .

  13. 大型跨国第三方物流企业在物流服务中增加了金融增值服务,包括货到付款、代收代付、全球贸易融资、抵押贷款、存货与应收账款融资等。

    International 3PL providers have added financial services into their supply chain management solutions , including Collect on Delivery , Trade Financing , Mortgage Loan , Inventory Financing , Factoring etc.

  14. 应收账款融资不以企业的大小作为衡量企业是否具备贷款资格的唯一标准,主要关注的是企业提供的应收账款质量。

    Accounts receivable financing is not the size of the enterprise as the only standard to measure whether a company with loan qualification , the main concern is to provide the quality of accounts receivable .

  15. 应收账款融资系属债权融资方式之一种,在国外,其已被企业及金融机构广泛利用,而在我国却刚刚起步。

    Account receivable financing is a kind of creditors ' right financing . In the foreign country , it has been widely used . However , in our country , it only makes the first step .

  16. 通过应收账款融资,借款人能够在应收账款到期前取得现金资产,为正常的生产运营提供现金支持,同时改善财务结构,提升竞争能力。

    With receivables financing the borrower is able to acquire cash assets before the receivables become due , which enables it to provide cash for normal production and operation , and improve financial structure and competitive power .

  17. 这种系统性融资安排在实践中主要是应收账款融资、存货融资和预付款融资三种模式,本文对这三种模式的融资结构和风险成因机理进行了详细剖析。

    Such arrangements include three main models in practice : accounts receivable financing , inventory financing and account prepaid financing . This paper analyses the financing structure and formation mechanism of risk of these three models in detail .

  18. 应收账款融资属于债权融资的一种,其各种融资方式在国外都相当成熟,且在实践中发挥着重要的融资作用,但在国内却刚刚起步。

    Accounts receivable financing is a debt financing , and its various financing methods in foreign countries are quite mature , and in practice plays an important role . However , it is still in its infancy in China .

  19. 首先,采用品牌拓展的产品策略,创新供应链金融产品品牌,实施产品差异化策略,定制无追索权暗保理和无追索权明保理的应收账款融资产品,以适应供应链企业顾客需求差异。

    Innovate the supply chain financial products brand ; implement product differentiation strategies , custom hiding factoring without recourse and open factoring accounts receivable financing products , so as to adapt nonrecourse to different enterprise customers ' requirements in supply chain .

  20. 因此,笔者提出实行冒险型的融资结构和采用应收账款融资的方式,试图为航运企业短期融资政策的完善提供一定的理论依据及指导性建议。

    Therefore , author proposes that the corporation should apply the venturesome financing structure and adopt the accounts receivable financing methods , so that to provide some theory support and advisory suggestion for the consummation of short-term financing policy for shipping company .

  21. 再次,通过对X企业办理应收账款质押融资业务的过程及结果进行分析,找出办理业务存在的问题,运用相关理论对外部融资环境及X企业自身存在问题的原因进行分析。

    Thirdly , according to processes and results , the article analyses the problems and the causes in accounts receivable pledge financing business .

  22. 接着介绍X企业的概况及当前的融资情况,并对企业应收账款质押融资的环境进行了分析,然后介绍X企业办理应收账款质押融资业务的过程及结果。

    Then it introduces the general situation and financing conditions of X enterprise and analyses financing environment of accounts receivable pledge financing . It also introduces accounts receivable pledge financing business processes and results of X enterprise .

  23. 应收账款质押融资业务风险及其控制措施探析

    Thinking on Risk of Accounts Receivable Pledge Loan and Its Control

  24. 应收账款质押融资风险防范制度研究

    The Research on Risk Prevention for Financing System of Accounts Receivable Pledge

  25. 应收账款质押融资是一种将应收账款管理与贷款融资有机结合的贷款融资方式。

    Account receivables pledged finance is a method combining the account receivable management with credit finance .

  26. 允许存货和应收账款担保融资,对解决中小企业融资难问题意义重大。

    Making account receivables and inventory eligible collateral is an important solution to the financing difficulties of SMEs .

  27. 银行在办理应收账款质押融资业务过程中所面临的现实和潜在的风险可谓林林总总,不一而足。

    The commercial banks operate the pledge of accounts receivable financing business will face many realities and potential risks .

  28. 本文首先从商业银行角度分析了应收账款质押融资的制度优势。

    Firstly , from the perspective of the commercial banks , the paper analysed the institutional advantages of pledge accounts receivable financing .

  29. 第二部分全面分析了应收账款质押融资可能面临的法律风险和操作风险。

    The second chapter is about fully analysis of the risks of pledge of accounts receivable both in law and in practice .

  30. 其次,介绍应收账款质押融资的概念、类型、特点、流程以及两个相关理论。

    Secondly , this article introduces concepts , financing varieties , characteristics , processes and related theories of accounts receivable pledge financing .