
yìng duì
  • respond;answer;reply;echo
应对 [yìng duì]
  • [respond;echo;reply;answer] 对答,答对

  • 应对诸侯。--《史记.屈原贾生列传》

应对[yìng duì]
  1. 众人惊愕失色,无一应对。

    All those present turned pale and none dared to say anything in reply .

  2. 重庆教育如何应对WTO

    How to Reply to WTO for Chongqing 's Education

  3. 他的观点是孩子应对自己的行为负责。

    He takes the view that children are responsible for their own actions .

  4. 对于近来出现的需求猛增,我们难以应对。

    We are having trouble keeping up with the recent surge in demand .

  5. 议论的焦点是她是否应对自己的行为负责任。

    What is at issue is whether she was responsible for her actions .

  6. 他觉得在道义上应对这次事故负责。

    He felt morally responsible for the accident .

  7. 会说意大利语应对他有好处。

    Speaking Italian should work in his favour .

  8. 我从这篇文章推断,飞行员应对事故负责。

    I inferred from the article that the pilot was responsible for the accident .

  9. 面对纷至沓来的求职申请,这个部门疲于应对。

    The department was swamped with job applications .

  10. 教师应该让学生作好应对课堂以外的现实世界的准备。

    Teachers need to prepare their students to deal with real-world situations outside the classroom .

  11. 该小组将考察这一地区是如何应对减少几千个工作岗位的局面的。

    The group will study how the region coped with the loss of thousands of jobs .

  12. 到目前为止,他在其首相任期内主要是在应对危机。

    So far , his premiership has been dominated by crisis-management .

  13. 他们要求发展扩张性的经济以应对升高的失业率。

    They demanded a more expansionary economy to combat rising unemployment .

  14. 他发现自己已无力应对那份劳神费力的工作了。

    He found he could no longer cope with his demanding job

  15. 你不应对别人以及他们不同的性取向品头论足。

    You should not be judgemental about people and their differing sexualities .

  16. 我们得让工人学习新技能,以应对巨大的技术变革。

    We needed to reskill our workforce to cope with massive technological change

  17. 正在加强安保工作以应对日益增多的暴力活动。

    Security is being stepped up to deal with the increase in violence

  18. 他似乎正小心地应对可能一触即发的局势。

    He appeared to be treating the potentially explosive situation with some sensitivity

  19. 国家需要有一定的防御能力,以应对不可预知的情况。

    The country needs a defence capability as insurance against the unexpected .

  20. 我一直奔忙于英格兰南部地区,疲于应对一连串的活动。

    I had been running around southern England in a whirlwind of activity

  21. 市政会成员应对推选他们的人负责。

    Councils should be answerable to the people who elect them

  22. 他正全力应对如何解决通货膨胀的问题。

    He is tussling with the problem of what to do about inflation .

  23. 内阁今天开会商量如何应对这道最后通牒。

    The cabinet met today to discuss how to respond to the ultimatum .

  24. 全国选举委员会应对选举结果出具证明。

    The National Election Council is supposed to certify the results of the election

  25. 我们应对健康的身体心存感恩,这一点她太清楚了。

    She is all too aware that we should be grateful for good health

  26. 他许诺任命一位艾滋病大使来应对这种疾病。

    He promised to appoint an AIDS czar to deal with the disease .

  27. 人类的家庭形式是为了应对来自生存环境的压力。

    The form the human family takes is a response to environmental pressures .

  28. 对于如何应对暴力问题,政府现在一筹莫展。

    The government is at a loss to know how to tackle the violence .

  29. 警方已经为应对大量示威者做好了准备。

    Police are prepared for large numbers of demonstrators

  30. 应对这一挑战明显准备不足。

    It was ill-prepared to meet this challenge .