
  • 网络Application Providers
  1. 类似的风险存在于企业网络、数据与商业合作伙伴、供应商和SaaS(软件即服务)应用提供商的网络和数据的复杂整合当中。

    It can be found in the complex integration of enterprise networks and data with those of business partners , suppliers and SaaS application providers .

  2. 这一技术为它们提供了向服务提供商和其他应用提供商收费的途径。

    It gives them a vehicle to charge service providers and other application providers .

  3. 我们注意到了PC应用提供商正为未来的兼容性将他们的离线应用拓展到云计算。

    We are noticing that PC App vendors are extending their offline applications to the cloud for future compatibility .

  4. 不过,作为基于AJAX的RIAWeb应用提供商,我们认为一个真正的Web应用应该从本质上就支持HTML、CSS这些Web标准。

    However , as a AJAX based RIA web applications provider , we believe a real web application should natively support web standards such as HTML and CSS .

  5. 多媒体信息服务MMS是一项全新的移动数据业务,是一个涉及终端设备制造商、网络运营商、内容和应用提供商的综合性移动解决方案。

    The Multimedia Messaging Service ( MMS ) is a new mobile business , and a synthesized solution involved terminal device maker , network service provider , content and application provider .

  6. 另一方面,类似Zoho这样的在线应用提供商正为了向后兼容将这些应用拓展到离线模式。

    On the other hand , online app vendors like Zoho are extending the apps to the offline mode for backward compatibility .

  7. FacebookInc.已同意以190亿美元现金加股票收购即时通讯应用提供商WhatsApp。这一巨额收购交易引起市场轰动,也令其他初创公司近期卖出的已经极高的价格相形见绌。

    Facebook Inc. agreed to buy messaging company WhatsApp for $ 19 billion in cash and stock , a blockbuster transaction that dwarfs the already sky-high prices that other startups have been able to recently command .

  8. 这种情况下,若初始报告者未联系该应用提供商,我们可能会联系受影响的厂商。

    In these cases , if the original reporter has not contacted the other vendors , we may contact the affected vendors .

  9. 一个定制化业务应用提供商,最近推出了一款新的服务,为打算缩减维护管理成本的企业提供数据库托管。

    LongJump , a provider of customizable business application , has introduced a new service to provide database hosting to companies that are looking to reduce maintenance and administration costs .

  10. 用户需要将控制隐私的权利把握在自己手中,网络应用提供商则希望利用尽可能多的隐私信息获取更多的利益,其他利益相关方也想从中赚取更多价值。

    Users want to own the right of privacy controlling , while the internet application providers wish for users ' privacy in order to gain more profit , the same as the other interested parties .

  11. 完善的平台,能够支持内容提供商和应用提供商个性化的多种增值服务,对种类繁多的业务进行统一管理,有利于整合各种资源,发挥省级集中的优势,提高市场占有率。

    Perfect platform can support content providers and application providers in a variety of value-added services and can provide a wide range of unified management of the business . It is conducive to integrate various resources to promote the advantages of centralized provincial level , and increase market share .

  12. 基于X列表和应用服务提供商的新型网络化制造模式研究

    New networked manufacturing pattern based on bill of X & application service provider

  13. 应用服务提供商(ApplicationServiceprovider,ASP)是伴随着信息技术的飞速发展和互联网的日益普及而出现的一种新的企业运营模式。

    Application Service Provider occurs along with the development of technology and the popularization of the Internet .

  14. 在这种网络经济环境下,本文研究了一种基于应用服务提供商(ApplicationServiceprovider,ASP)模式的网络化制造资源共享方法。

    This thesis provides an Application Service Provider based on networked manufacturing resource sharing method in the network economy environment .

  15. ASP(应用服务提供商)服务模式的探讨与实验模型的建立

    Research on the Serving Mode and Technological Framework of ASP

  16. 以服务租用理念为核心的应用服务提供商(ASP)模式能有效地解决上述难题。

    ASP , which introduces a concept of Rent Service , solves these problems well .

  17. ASP(ApplicationServiceprovider,应用服务提供商)平台以软件应用租赁服务为核心,充分利用互联网技术,实现资源的共享以及管理的集中,能有效降低信息化成本。

    ASP ( Application Service Provider ) is centered on application service of software for the purpose of sharing resources and lowering social costs .

  18. ASP(ApplicationServiceprovider,应用服务提供商)是一种新型电子商务模式和软件分发模式,有着广阔的应用前景。

    ASP ( Application Service Provider ) is a new mode of e-business and of software distribute mode . It has good application perspective .

  19. ASP(应用服务提供商),是internet与传统外包服务提供商及增值销售商的有机结合体。

    ASP ( Application Service Provider ) is an organic unity of the Internet , traditional outside contractor and value-added seller .

  20. ASP(ApplicationServiceprovider,应用服务提供商)模式作为一种新兴的基于互联网提供一对多应用服务的商业模式,已成为中小业企业信息化的有效解决方案。

    Application Service Provider ( ASP ), the new service model based on Internet , is an effective solution of informationization for small and medium-sized enterprises .

  21. J2EE规范将一些部署详细信息留给应用服务器提供商进行定义。

    The J2EE specification leaves some of the details of deployment up to the application server provider to define .

  22. 应用服务提供商(ApplicationServicProvider,ASP)是通过Internet为客户提供各种软硬件应用服务的新兴经营方式。

    Application service provider ( ASP ) is a rising business mode to provide software and hardware application services to various customers via Internet .

  23. ASP(应用服务提供商)作为一种应用服务的模式,可以加速与完善中小企业的信息化建设。

    ASP , as a model of application service , can accelerate and perfect the informationization construction of SMEs .

  24. ASP模式是应用服务提供商以在线租赁方式向客户提供网络应用服务的一种商业模式。

    ASP is a commercial online - renting - mode of network applied service offered by Application Service Provider to the clients .

  25. 而ASP(应用服务提供商)模式为网络化制造信息服务提供了新的思路与实现途径。

    And the ASP ( Application Service Provider ) mode offers a new thought and means to the realization of networked manufacturing technology .

  26. 随着Internet/Intranet技术的快速发展,采用网络化信息管理模式成为科研机构科研管理的迫切要求,而ASP(应用服务提供商)就是一种新兴的可适用的模式。

    With development of Internet and Intranet technology , adoption of networked management mode has become exigent requirement of scientific research management and ASP is the very new suitable mode .

  27. 为了解决网络化制造系统的实施难题,在对信息技术外包和应用服务提供商进行分析比较的基础上,提出了基于应用服务提供商(ApplicationServiceprovider,ASP)的网络化制造系统实施模式。

    To solve the key problem in implementing networked manufacturing , an application service provider ( ASP ) based on implementing mode was proposed , with the analysis and comparison of information technology outsourcing and application service provider .

  28. 应用服务提供商ASP模式,是当前解决中小型企业资金和管理人员缺乏等造成信息化进展缓慢的有效途径。

    Application serves the effective approach providing the business ASP pattern , being informatization resolve middle small enterprise fund and handling crew insufficiency etc. currently bringing about make slow progress .

  29. ASP(应用服务提供商)模式是网络化制造的重要发展方向,而访问控制技术又是ASP平台提供应用服务时的重要保障。

    Application Service Provider ( ASP ) is an important way of network manufacturing . Furthermore , access control is the guarantee of an ASP platform , which providing application services .

  30. 通过应用服务提供商(ASP)模式的概念,提出一种基于ASP模式的虚拟企业建模工具框架的设计方案。

    Based on the concept of Application Service Provider ( ASP ), this paper proposes a design solution of a modeling framework used in virtual business modeling steps with ASP modes .