
  1. 然后,本文从基础理论出发,分析了在线第三方支付服务商的法律属性、在线第三方支付中的法律关系以及沉淀资金的法律性质。

    I will analyze the legal nature of the third party payment institution and the sedimentary money , as well as the legal relationships in the online third party payment .

  2. 显然,其中一项措施就是和中国主要的移动支付服务商合作。在截至2014年6月30日的财年中,支付宝完成的交易金额达7880亿美元;去年秋季,其移动应用活跃用户数约为1.9亿。

    One of those steps has turned out to be working with China 's leading mobile payments service : last fiscal year , ended June 30 , 2014 , Alipay settled $ 788 billion in transactions , and had some 190 million active users for its mobile app as of last fall .

  3. In2Pay仅是近几个月来推出移动支付解决方案众多服务商之一。

    In2Pay is one of many new mobile payment initiatives arriving in recent months .

  4. 在潜力和变数都很巨大的互联网支付市场中,互联网支付服务商的竞争格局处于不断调整中。

    With huge potentiality and variability in the Internet payment market , the competition patterns for the Internet payment service providers need constant adjustments .

  5. 在归纳出第三方支付定义的前提下,对第三方支付服务商在法律上做出一个明确的定位。

    On the premise of definition of third party payment , then make a clear definition in law .