
  1. 支线航空公司航班飞往偏僻地区。商务旅客就是会前往那些地区的人。

    Commuter airlines fly to out-of-the-way places . And business travelers are the ones who go to those locations .

  2. 内蒙古支线航空运输的现状与发展

    Current Situation and Development of Regional Air Transport in Inner Mongolia

  3. 我国西南地区支线航空市场研究

    Research on the market of regional aviation transportation in southwest of China

  4. 关于中国支线航空环境分析和发展策略的研究

    A Study on the Chinese Regional Aviation Environment Analysis and Development Strategy

  5. 支线航空是航空运输网的重要组成部分。

    Regional aviation is the main body of the air transportation network .

  6. 西部支线航空运输的发展应走低成本之路

    Regional Air Transport in West China Suits Low Cost Operation

  7. 中国支线航空运输业的现状与前景

    Present Situation and Prospect of China Air Feeder Transport Industry

  8. 发展我国支线航空系统工程刍议

    Humble Opinion on the System Engineering of Developing Regional Aviation in China

  9. 关键是控制成本新形势下美国支线航空的出路

    Cost Control Is the Surviving Way of US Regional Airlines

  10. 中国支线航空运输市场分析和需求预测

    Analysis and Demand Prediction of Chinese Regional Aviation Market

  11. 走出误区上下齐心打造中国的低成本支线航空公司

    Setting Up China 's Low - Cost Regional Airlines

  12. 支线航空运输若干问题的研究

    Research on the Several Problems of Regional Aviation Transportation

  13. 支线航空&现实为未来支付的代价

    Regional Aviation & the Cost Paid for the Future

  14. 技术创新是支线航空科学发展的先遣。

    The technical innovation is the pioneer of the science development of regional aircraft .

  15. 川航支线航空市场预测决策

    Branch airline market prediction decision of Sichuan airline

  16. 支线航空发展的世界潮流与国内支线航空的发展

    The Development Trend of World Regional Aircraft and Development of Regional Aircraft in China

  17. 发现支线航空也是实现民航强国的一个重要保障点。

    We found that branch line is an important guarantee to achieve airline power .

  18. 聚焦2005中国支线航空高峰论坛

    Report from 2005 China Regional Aviation Forum

  19. 对支线航空的分析必须考虑整个航空运输网的大背景,我国支线航空的发展与整体航空业的发展息息相关。

    The regional aviation must be analyzed on the background of the whole air transportation .

  20. 为新的支线航空政策叫好

    Applaud the New Regional Aviation Policies

  21. 发展支线航空运输六要素

    Six Elements in Developing Regional Aviation

  22. 支线航空的发展,是必然的;

    It is pointed out that the development of the feeder aviation could only be progressive .

  23. 澳大利亚的支线航空运输

    Regional Air Transport in Australia

  24. 但在总体的发展中,一定程度上忽视了支线航空运输的建设和发展。

    But with the development on the whole , regional air transportation has been ignored to some degree .

  25. 我国支线航空目前正在干线航空和高铁的夹缝中艰难前行,痛并快乐着。

    China branch Aviation is currently being caught between main line aviation and high-speed rail with pain and happiness .

  26. 支线航空是航空运输业的一个重要组成部分,支线航空与干线航空相辅相成,互为补充。

    Regional airlines is a important part in aviation transport , which normally benefits and is benefited from main airlines .

  27. 目前,我国支线航空运输在整个航空运输中所占的比例较低,地区发展也不平衡。

    Recently domestic regional aviation transportation has relatively small proportion in the whole air transportation and it develops in regional unbalance .

  28. “支线航空运输”是指飞行距离600公里以下或在省、市(自治区)行政区划以内的运输飞行。

    The regional air transportation refers to the air transportation within the radius of600km or within the provincial or urban administrative district .

  29. 随着国内经济的飞速增长,支线航空市场具有广阔的前景和巨大的潜在需求。

    As economy in China is growing fast , regional airlines will have an opportunity to enter into great market and face potential requirements from small city .

  30. 积极发展国际和国内航空货物运输和西部地区的支线航空。

    At the same time , great effort will be contributed to developing international and domestic air cargo transportation and the feeder airlines in the western part of the country .