
  • 【医】high performance membrane
  1. 加入mPE中,由于二者茂金属聚乙烯制备高性能膜材料的研究分子结构比较相似,体系的表观粘度只有轻微的降低。

    Because of good similarity of molecular between mPE and LLDPE , comparing with pure mPE , their blends ' apparent viscosity decrease slightly .

  2. 渗透汽化膜分离技术和ABE发酵过程耦合,能够提高发酵产率和过程的经济性,其工业应用在很大程度上取决于高性能膜材料的研发。

    Pervaporation could be coupled with ABE fermentation to improve the butanol productivity and process efficiency . Moreover , the development of the membrane materials with high performance is key to the industrial application of the fermentation & PV coupled process .

  3. 制备高性能膜电极的关键在于找到这些因素的最佳匹配。

    Matching these factors is the key to improve the DMFC performance .

  4. 指出了高性能膜的研制以及膜组件的改进将会使渗透汽化法在燃料乙醇生产中得到更加广泛的应用。

    It was pointed out that pervaporation will be used more widely in anhydrous ethanol production with the development of high performance membrane and the improvement of membrane modules .

  5. 膜技术应用于废水处理的前景广阔,市场潜力大,应加强高性能膜和组器的开发,加强膜污染防治技术的开发。

    It is pointed out that the application of membrane technology in the field of waste-water treatment has a vast range of prospects and great market potentialities , and the development of high-performance membrane , module and the technology for membrane pollution prevention must be strengthened .

  6. 用于RFI工艺的高性能树脂膜的研究

    Investigation of high performance resin film for resin film infusion process

  7. 高性能钯膜及其在氨分解制氢中的应用

    High-performance Pd membrane and its application in H_2 production from NH_3 decomposition

  8. 用挤出成型的方法制备高性能陶瓷膜用Al2O3>99%支撑体,制备中受初始颗粒度、烧成温度、粘结剂等因素的影响,因此可以调节一个或几个因素来控制支撑体的性能。

    Supports of alumina > 99 % used for high property ceramic membranes are prepared by extrusion . The factors of original particle size , sintering temperature , binder and so on affect the processing , therefore , the properties of support can be controlled by one or more factors .

  9. 光伏组件用高性能EVA胶膜的研发

    R & D of high performance EVA sheet for PV modules

  10. 介绍了利用偏光显微镜、扫描电子显微镜及X射线衍射等方法研究具有伸直链结构的有机高性能纤维及膜材料的轴向压缩变形行为。

    The present work is concerned with the axial compressional behavior of Organic high-performance fibers and filmes by means of polarizing optical microscopy , scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction .

  11. 受自然界中氨基酸传导质子现象启发,制备了氨基化、羧基化、苯基化和氨基酸修饰的一系列二氧化钛微球,将其填充于SPEEK中,得到高性能质子交换膜。

    Inspired by the proton conducting mechanism in nature , a series of titania spheres modified with amino , carboxylic , phenyl groups and amino acids were prepared , and then incorporated into SPEEK to fabricate high performance hybrid membranes .

  12. 用不锈钢电极合成高性能聚吡咯导电膜的研究

    Study in synthesis of high quality polypyrrole conductive films with stainless steel electrodes

  13. 一种高性能硅橡胶膜在乙醇连续发酵中的性能评价

    The performance evaluation of a high-quality silicone rubber membrane in ethanol continuous fermentation

  14. 高性能质子交换膜燃料电池

    High Performance Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

  15. 今后技术发展的主要方向是,研制更为经济的电解器和更高性能的离子膜。

    The development of the technology in coming years will centre on more economical electrolyzers and higher performance membranes .

  16. 指出了为缩短与世界先进国家的差距需要加快开发关键设备和高性能的离子膜,加强管理。

    Key equipments and high property ionic membrane were developed , and management was strengthened for narrow gaps between china and advanced countries .

  17. 渗透蒸发以其绿色、高效、节能的突出特点在乙二醇脱水中具有良好的应用前景,渗透蒸发技术的核心是高性能渗透蒸发膜的研制。

    Pervaporation process will find promising applications in dehydration of ethylene glycol ( EG ), due to its inherent green , efficient and energy-saving characteristics . The core of pervaporation process is the development of appropriate membrane material .

  18. 高性能Silicalite-1分子筛膜的合成

    Synthesis of High Performance Silicalite-1 Zeolite Membranes

  19. 研究结果表明,真空注浆法是一种制备高烧结性能YSZ电解质膜管的简单方法。

    The research results show that the vacuum casting is a simple way preparing the YSZ electrolyte membrane tubes with high density and high electrical conductivity .

  20. 格兰泰勒棱镜高性能宽带减反射膜的优化设计及性能测试

    Refined design and test of high performance broad-hand antireflection coating for Glan-Taylor prism

  21. 高性能反渗透复合膜及其功能单体制备研究

    Study on Preparation of High Performance RO Composite Membranes and Synthesis of Functional Monomers

  22. 高渗透性能丝光沸石膜的合成及在醇/水分离体系中的应用

    Preparation of High Permselective Mordenite Membrane and Its Use for Separation of Alcohol / Water Mixture

  23. 本论文主要研究了高性能复合栅绝缘膜的制备及性能测试。

    In this paper , we focus on preparation of high quality double layer insulator film and their performance measurement .

  24. 提高垂直磁记录系统记录密度的一项关键技术是要设计和制备出高性能的垂直磁化膜。

    One of the key issues for density enhancement in perpendicular magnetic recording is the design and the preparation of high performance perpendicular films .

  25. 从金属表面过渡层技术、自分层技术及高性能水性成膜聚合物的合成、水性涂料成膜过程研究等方面,论述了水性金属涂料领域存在的问题、所取得的进展及发展趋势。

    The technical challenges and development of waterborne coatings were discussed from the points of surface transition coating , self-stratifying technique , synthesis of high performance polymers , and film forming of coatings .

  26. 随着信息技术的发展对高密度波分复用(DWDM)滤光片的需要越来越大。而高精度高性能的光学薄膜膜厚监控系统是制备DWDM滤光片的关键。

    With the rapid increase in DWDM ( Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing ) filter demand , a high precision and high performance optical monitor is a key component to monitoring the optical thickness when depositing the DWDM filter .

  27. 高硅MFI型分子筛膜(Silicalite-1)具有非常良好的乙醇/水的分离性能,高性能MFI疏水沸石膜有望应用在生物发酵技术和渗透汽化技术耦合而成的膜生物反应器中。

    High silicon MFI zeolite membrane ( silicalite-1 ) has a good separation performance for ethanol / water mixtures , and it can be expected to apply in membrane bioreactor coupled with fermentation and pervaporation process .