
  • High temperature container;【化】elevated temperature vessel
  1. 高温容器液压试验值的分析

    Analysis of Test Pressure for High Temperature Vessels

  2. 应用于稀土冶炼等行业中的特殊耐高温容器。

    Used for special high temperature resistant containers in rare earth smelting industry , etc.

  3. 高温容器许用应力的确定,须考虑高温持久强度或蠕变强度许用应力。

    Determining the admissible stress of high temperature vessels , high temperature lasting and creep strength must be considered .

  4. 铠装热电偶组件直接贯穿反应堆容器,在容器外采用卡套密封,避免了高温容器内信号的转接。

    By using the long sheath thermocouples , which pass through the containment and are sealed by the swage lock , the traditional commutator for temperature measure signal is avoided .

  5. 炉子的保温材料根据炉子温度要求不同,分别选用耐火砖,耐火浇注料,纤维保温材料。耐火材料是可用作炉子及高温容器里衬的材料。高温气体通道和气室也需用耐火材料作内衬。

    " Different insulation materials such as refractory , refractory castable and fiber insulation materials are used in different zones . " Refractories are materials that can be used to line furnaces and high-temperature vessels . also , they are needed to line passages or chambers containing high-temperature gases .

  6. 高温高压容器中间接加热引起的炉内温度分布

    Furnace temperature distribution at high temperature and pressure cell

  7. 岩石在高温高压容器中的温度场分析

    Analysis of rock sample temperature fields in a high temperature and high pressure vessel

  8. 复合不锈钢以其良好的使用性和经济性被广泛应用于炼油和石化装置防腐耐高温压力容器和管道中。

    Reunite the stainless steel plank has been widely applied in pressure vessel and piping for prevention decays and endure high temperature in oil refining and petrochemical units with its good usage and economic .

  9. 在高温高压容器中采用差压式水位计测量水位的方法,通常由于容器中介质密度的变化给测量带来很大误差。

    When a differential pressure water - level gauge is used to measure the water - level in the vessel , large uncertainty can be induced because of the change of media density in the vessel .

  10. 进行了地面试验和高温高压容器内的模拟高温高压起爆试验,以及3口井的井下作业验证,其结果可满足实际要求。

    Surface test , detonation test of high temperature and pressure simulated in high temperature and high pressure container , as well as downhole operation verification in 3 wells were completed , their results meet the practice requirements .

  11. 高温超高压容器的设计与试验

    The Design and Tests of High Temperature and Super-High Pressure Vessels

  12. 抗菌素瓶用作高温高压反应容器

    Antibiotic glass bottles can be used as reaction vessels

  13. 高温环境下容器内液化气的热响应分析

    Thermal response analysis of LPG in some vessels exposed to high temperature environment

  14. 活塞-圆桶式固体介质高温高压实验容器的压力标定方法

    Pressure calibration for the solid medium vessel of piston-cylinder apparatus under high pressure and high temperature

  15. 针对以上结果,在本研究中,对高温涂料防止容器材料受熔融铝硅介质腐蚀进行了研究探讨。根据容器材料所遭受腐蚀环境的特点,采用了自行研制的几种高温涂料。

    The high temperature coating which was self-made against corrosion of container materials in melting Aluminum is also studied .

  16. 介绍供某些仪器做压力和温度试验的高温超高压容器设计参数的选取和强度校核方法,并就温差对强度的影响进行了分析和计算;

    This paper introduces an example about the methods of the selecting of the design parameters and the strength checking for pressure vessels with high temperature and super-high pressure , computes and analyzes the influences of the thermal stresses on the strength .

  17. 盛装液化气体或超过常温沸点的高温液体的压力容器发生泄漏后,内部物质由于失压、过热,发生蒸汽爆炸(也叫BLEVE),从而引起内部超压。

    After leaking of the pressure vessel , in which liquefied gases or high temperature liquids over normal boiling point are loaded , the internal substances explode due to its pressure loss , overheating ( it is also called BLEVE ), and lead to internal overpressure .

  18. 在系统研究电磁场与温度场及其耦合作用的基础上,成功地实现了对多种截面形状的铝、不镑钢及高温合金的无容器电磁约束成形。

    Based on a systematic investigation on the distribution behavior of magnetic and temperature field and their coupling effect , some different cross-section samples of aluminum , stainless steel and superalloy were successfully obtained .

  19. 焊接构件的高温强度的可靠设计对保证高温压力容器及管道的结构完整性具有十分重要的意义。

    The reliable design of high temperature strength of welded components is of significant importance in assuring the structural integrity of pressure vessels and pip at elevated temperature .