
  • 网络High voltage winding;h.v.;A-X;high tension winding
  1. 电磁式TV在使用中应注意选用励磁特性好的产品、减少同一系统中TV中性点接地的数量、保持系统三相对地电容的对称性,同时注意高压绕组中性点的绝缘配合问题。

    Some proposals are given : selecting TV with good excitation characteristic , reducing grounding number of TV in same network , keeping the symmetry of line-earth capacitance and paying attention to insulation coordination in neutral point of primary winding .

  2. 研究发现:TV的励磁特性和高压绕组直流电阻、系统三相对地电容及其对称性以及系统的阻尼率均对TV励磁涌流有明显影响。

    It is found that the magnetizing inrush current could be influenced significantly by following factors ; excitation characteristic , resistance in the primary winding of TV , line-earth capacitance and its symmetry as well as damping resistance of the network .

  3. 主要工作如下:根据绕组的不同结构形式,首次建立了放电脉冲在400kV和500kV单相变压器高压绕组中传播的多导体传输线模型。

    Based on multi-conductor transmission lines ( MTLs ) theory , a new model of partial discharge pulse propagating in single phase transformer is established .

  4. 脉冲变压器锥形高压绕组电压分布实验研究

    Experiment of impulse voltage distribution in taper windings of pulse transformer

  5. 变压器高压绕组短路强度的研究

    Research on Short-Circuit Withstand Strength of Transformer HV Winding

  6. 大范围无励磁调压电力变压器采用高压绕组抽头结构的分析

    Analysis of Tap Structure of HV Winding in Large Range Off-Circuit-Tap-Changing Power Transformer

  7. 固态继电器直接连接在配电变压器高压绕组与中性点之间,采用过渡电阻限制分接头变换回路的环流值;

    The solid state relays are connected between primary side windings and neutral line of transformer .

  8. 其中1号主变压器在制造厂进行冲击试验时,两相高压绕组发生绝缘击穿,未通过冲击试验。

    Failed in the impulse shop test , with two phases of high voltage windings broken down .

  9. 对短路电动力作用下的变压器高压绕组,应用有限单元法分别进行了动态强度计算和静态强度计算。

    Utilizing the finite element method , the dynamic strength and static strength of transformer HV winding under short-circuit force are calculated .

  10. 电压互感器高压绕组中性点串电阻接地消除铁磁谐振的研究

    Research on eliminating the magnet-iron resonance by connecting a resistor between the neutro-point of the high-voltage windings of a voltage transformer and the ground

  11. 在数值模拟中得到了高压绕组内部的温度场和速度场,计算出该高压绕组的平均温升,热点温度,热点温升等。

    The average temperature rise , the hot spot temperature and the hot spot temperature rise of high voltage winding were calculated by simulation and we also get the temperature field and the velocity field .

  12. 针对变压器高压绕组侧的高电压击穿问题,本文提出采用红外温度传感器代替传统的铂电阻进行非接触式温度测量,并从红外温度传感器的测温原理、测温特点等方面进行了详细的分析。

    Aiming at the problem of high - tension breakdown in the high - tension side of the transformer , this paper introduced a kind of new measurements employing an infrared temperature sensor to replace Pt resistance , and analyzed its operating principles and characteristics .

  13. 高压电机绕组电缆特性研究

    Research on the Characteristic of the Winding Cable in High Voltage Motor

  14. 高压电机绕组匝间绝缘的可靠性问题

    Reliability of Winding Turn-to-turn Insulation in a HV Motor

  15. 磁控式可控电抗器高压工作绕组和低压控制绕组隔离,大大提高了其工作可靠性,其串联在电动机定子绕组中限流作用明显且不消耗能量。

    The isolation between high-voltage working windings and low-voltage control windings of magnetic control reactor can improve the operation reliability of it greatly .

  16. 在无需鉴别励磁涌流及易于区分牵引变压器内外部故障的前提下,提出了一种新的基于牵引变压器高压侧绕组参数辨识的牵引变压器微机保护原理。

    Propounded a traction transformer protection principle based on high voltage side parameter identification , which could distinguish internal fault or external fault of the traction transformer without identifying the magnetizing inrush current .

  17. 高压电机定子绕组的防晕结构

    The High-Pressured Electrical Machinery Stator Winding Guards Against the Corona Structure

  18. 火电厂辅机高压电动机定子绕组事故原因和处理方法

    Fault Reasons and Countermeasures for Stator Winding of HV Motor

  19. 基于小波变换的高压电动机定子绕组匝间短路故障在线检测新方法

    Detection of HV motor stator winding inter-turn fault based on wavelet transform

  20. 高压电机定子绕组绝缘电阻温度特性研究

    Study on Temperature Characteristics of Insulation Resistance of Stator Winding of High-Voltage Motor

  21. 提高高压电机定子绕组修理质量降低维修成本

    Enhancing Repairing Quality and Lowering Maintenance Cost on Stator Winding of High Voltage Motor

  22. 高压电机线圈绕组匝间绝缘冲击试验设备的研制

    Development of Impulse Test Device for the Inter-Turn Insulation of HV Electric Machine Coil

  23. 查找高压电动机定子绕组端部缺陷方法的探讨

    A Probe on the Fault Locating Appeared on the Edge of HV Motor Stator Winding

  24. 高压电机定子绕组的超低频耐压试验与遥控

    Extra Low Frequency Voltage Withstand Test of Motor Stator Winding of HV Generator and Remote Control

  25. 高压电动机定子绕组匝间绝缘方法国内外高压电机的运行经验和大量的资料表明,高压电机运行的事故中其绕组的匝间绝缘损坏事故占多数。

    Inter-Turn Insulation of Stator of HV Electromotor Large amount of domestic and international operating experience and information demonstrate that the damage of inter-turn insulation in winding constitutes the majority in high-voltage electrical machine operating accidents .

  26. 因为高压化导致变压器绕组之间的场强增强,引起绕组间分布电容变大;同时随着频率的不断升高,高频高压变压器分布参数对原边电流、EMI等影响更加明显。

    For high voltage can enhance electric field intensity and make the stray capacitance bigger ; With the increase of frequency , impact of stray capacitance on the primary current , EMI etc. is more apparent .

  27. 高压交流电机定子绕组绝缘方法研究

    Research on insulating method of stator winding of high-pressure AC motor

  28. 高压交流电机定子绕组端部固定结构研究

    Study on the End Winding Support for Stator of HV AC Motor

  29. 局部放电在线检测技术是高压旋转电机定子绕组绝缘监测的有效方法。

    On-line Partial Discharge ( PD ) detection is a common method for insulation monitoring in high voltage electrical machines .

  30. 阐述了高压异步电动机定子绕组绝缘结构,对电机定子绕组故障出现的原因进行了分析,提出了诊断方法,确定解决方案。

    The insulation structure of stator winding of HV motor is introduced . The fault of stator winding is analyzed and related diagnosis method is put forward .