
  • 网络HTS Transformer;High temperature superconducting transformers
  1. 电动车组高温超导变压器交流损耗计算

    Calculation of AC loss for HTS transformer on EMU

  2. 高温超导变压器的漏磁场严重会影响绕组中的临界电流和交流损耗。

    The magnetic leakage field in HTS transformer decreases the critical current of winding and increases the AC losses .

  3. 在高温超导变压器磁场分析的基础上,通过ANSYS的参数化语言(APDL)程序计算了高温超导变压器的交流损耗。

    With the foundation of magnetic field analysis of High Temperature Superconducting Transformer , the AC loss were calculated through the program writed with ANSYS parameter develop language ( APDL ) .

  4. 高温超导变压器的电磁特性研究

    The Electromagnetic Characters of the High Temperature Superconducting Transformer

  5. 高温超导变压器的特点与发展前景

    The Characteristics And Development Of High-Temperature Superconducting Transformer

  6. 结果表明,分磁环对提高高温超导变压器的性能有一定的作用。

    The results show that the flux diverters can improve the performance of HTS transformers .

  7. 高温超导变压器绕组端部分磁环的优化设计与研究

    Research on structural optimization of the flux diverter in the end coils of HTS transformer

  8. 本文在材料测试的基础上进行了高温超导变压器的初步设计,并根据设计的初步结果,深入研究了高温超导变压器中的电磁问题。

    According to the preliminary design results , electromagnetic properties of HTS transformer were studied in detail .

  9. 高温超导变压器

    High Temperature Superconducting Transformer

  10. 电力机车用高温超导变压器电流引线导热路径延伸方法的研究

    Research for the Method to Extend Thermal Path of Current Leads for HTS Transformer Used on Electrical Locomotive

  11. 以电磁学的基本原理为基础,对高温超导变压器的绕组进行电磁优化。

    Based on the basic principle of electromagnetics , the windings of the high temperature superconducting transformer are optimized .

  12. 300kV·A/25000V/860V高温超导变压器漏磁场研究

    Study on Magnetic Leakage Field of 300 kV · A / 25000 V / 860 V HTS Power Transformer

  13. 在高温超导变压器电磁场分析的基础上,计算了高温超导线圈的电磁力。

    BASED on the magnetic field analysis of High Temperature Superconducting Transformer , the magnetic forces suffered by high temperature superconducting windings were calculated .

  14. 在分析电磁场,电磁力和交流损耗的基础上,比较了高温超导变压器中螺旋状绕组和饼式绕组在电磁特性上的区别,给出了各自的应用范围。

    BASED on the analysis of magnetic filed , magnetic forces and AC loss , we compared the solenoidal windings and the pancake windings , and then give the ranges that each winding can be used .

  15. 电流引线是高温超导变压器的主要外部漏热来源,它的漏热量直接影响了超导变压器的经济性能,因此,引线的设计与漏热测量一直备受关注。

    The current lead of HTS transformer is a part that leads to leak out heat , its design and fabrication influence greatly the loss of nitrogen during operation . It is importance to calculate and identify the heat leak of the current lead .

  16. 根据300kVA/25000V/866V电动车组高温超导变压器的绝缘和漏热要求,在理论优化设计的基础上,对电流引线与套管的结构进行再设计并使之工程实现。

    According to the requirements of insulation and leakage heat of 300kVA / 25000V / 866V HTS transformer , and based on the theoretic optimization design , this article modifies the structure of the current leads and bushings so that they can be come true for engineering .

  17. 其次,结合具体应用对象,给出了高温超导脉冲变压器的技术要求、电磁参数计算和结构设计。

    According to the special application field , the paper presents the technical requirement , electromagnetic parameters and structure design of high-temperature superconducting pulsed transformer .

  18. 高温超导空芯脉冲变压器的可行性研究

    The feasibility research of the HTS air - core pulse transformer

  19. 高温超导带材的临界电流各向异性的实验研究高温超导变压器中带材临界电流随磁场变化的研究

    Experimental study on critical current anisotropy of HTS tapes under DC magnetic field study on the i_c-b characteristics of Bi-2223 tape used in HTS transformer

  20. 飞速发展的高温超导材料的研究和制备,加速了高温超导材料在变压器、限流器、电缆、同步电机和储能磁体等方面的应用。

    With the rapid development of research and preparation of high temperature superconducting material , the applications of high temperature superconducting material to transformers , current limiters , cables , motors and energy storage systems are accelerated .