
  • 网络Ruiz
  1. AMD的首席执行官鲁毅智不断表示,他期望公司会在2008年下半年重返正常盈利的道路。

    AMD CEO Hector Ruiz has said he expects the company to return to profitability by the second half of 2008 .

  2. 鲁毅智于2008年离开了AMD,他承认2009年英特尔付给AMD的“区区”12.5亿美元的现金调解费(另外还有其它补偿)令他感到失望。

    Ruiz , who left amd in 2008 , admits disappointment with the " paltry " $ 1.25 billion in cash ( plus other consideration ) that the company finally received from Intel in November 2009 .

  3. 鲁毅智没有遭到犯罪起诉,并否认自己有不当行为。

    Mr Ruiz has not been charged with a crime and has denied any wrongdoing .