
  • 网络Rudd;rood;Rude;Paul Rudd;Declan Rudd
  1. 斯考斯基在这次访问期间也将和负责武器控制及国际安全事务的国务次卿约翰。鲁德会谈。

    Sikorski 's Washington visit , which will also include talks with Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security John Rood .

  2. 鲁德(1972)提出脊柱周围附着的肌肉分为两种类型的肌肉,运动肌和稳定肌。

    Rood ( 1972 ), attached muscles around the spinal column is divided into two types of muscle , exercise muscles and stability muscles .

  3. 乔纳森·斯威夫特(JonathanSwift)的小说《格列佛游记》(Gulliver'sTravels)中,格列佛遇到了一小群被称为“斯特鲁德布鲁格”的长生不老之人。

    In Jonathan Swift 's'Gulliver 's Travels , 'Gulliver encounters a small group of immortals , the struldbrugs .

  4. 文中还对该船模的形状因子(1+K)、佛鲁德数(Fr)以及破水阻力(R)进行了不确定度分析,并给出了分析的结果。

    At the same time , the uncertainty analysis of the form factor ( 1 + k ), Froude number Fr and the break water resistance of this ship model is also analyzed and the analysis results are given .

  5. 很多商家在此地开启了业务,其中包括声名在外的英国酒商贝瑞兄弟与鲁德(BerryBrothers&Rudd),它的历史可以追溯到1698年,以及致力于专业领域、专门销售由法国小型葡萄酒庄园生产的天然葡萄酒的公司LaCabane。

    Dozens of merchants have opened operations , including famous players like the British company Berry Brothers & Rudd , which traces its roots to 1698 , and niche establishments like La Cabane , which sells natural wines from small vineyards in France .

  6. 我在上世纪80年代的荷兰长大,当时另一位基督教民主党人鲁德•吕贝尔斯(RuudLubbers)任荷兰首相。据说,这位领袖在党内会议上朗读《圣经》的时候,听起来就像在读一本烹饪书。

    I grew up in the Netherlands in the 1980s under another Christian Democratic leader , Ruud Lubbers , of whom it was said that when he read from the Bible at party meetings it sounded like a cookbook .

  7. 不过,鲁德豪斯的观点至少还合乎逻辑。

    Yet Mr Roodhouse is at least logical .

  8. 那是陨落的流星吗,物鲁德?

    Is that a falling star , trude ?

  9. 我尽力在拉,直到鲁德盖特山,我都做得很好。

    I did my best and got along quite well un-til we came to Ludgate Hill .

  10. 澳大利亚商品分析人士鲁德说,必和必拓主要矿产的产出创下记录。

    Australian commodities analyst Peter Rudd says BHP has set records for the production of key minerals .

  11. 新上任的英国内阁大臣安博尔•鲁德,伊丽莎白•特鲁斯和卡伦•布拉德利都留着这种发型。

    Newly promoted cabinet ministers , Amber Rudd , Elizabeth Truss and Karen Bradley all sport such barnets .

  12. 黎巴嫩内政部长兹耶德.巴鲁德向记者强调,他认为这类造假如果可能的话,也非常困难。

    Interior minister Ziad Baroud insisted to reporters that he thinks such forging is difficult , if not impossible .

  13. 上等的衣服;时髦的餐馆;鲁德贝克街上时髦的点心店&朱丽亚·柴尔德。

    Classy clothes ; a posh restaurant ; a swish pastry shop oon the Rue du Bac - Julia Child .

  14. 自由表面假定为固化平面,这与静水中低佛鲁德数操纵情况相符。

    It is assumed that the free surface is rigid , and this corresponds to the low Froude number maneuvers in calm water .

  15. 人们普遍认为,鲁德维克爵士所写的有关伊万斯的《雷灵顿10号》一书对英国取消死刑起了推动作用。

    Sir Ludovic 's book about Evans ," 10 Rillington Place ", is widely said to have played a part in ending capital punishment in Britain .

  16. 周日零时一到,绮蒂.朗伯特与雪若.鲁德在尼加拉瀑布,成为第一对在纽约州合法结婚的同性伴侣。

    Just after midnight on Sunday at Niagara Falls , Kitty Lambert and Cheryle Rudd became the first same-sex couple to be legally married in New York State .

  17. 因此,鲁德豪斯等人应当呼吁的是,在全球范围内建立一个可交易的个人排放权制度,期限不是只有10年,而是无限的未来。

    So what Mr Roodhouse and his ilk should call for is a global system of individual tradeable permits , to operate not just for a decade , but for the indefinite future .

  18. 美国国务院发言人麦科马克在对记者发表讲话时对在斯考斯基访问华盛顿期间,与他达成最终协议的前景持谨慎态度。斯考斯基在这次访问期间也将和负责武器控制及国际安全事务的国务次卿约翰.鲁德会谈。

    In a talk with reporters , State Department Spokesman Sean McCormack was cautious about prospects for finalizing an accord during Mr. Sikorski 's Washington visit , which will also include talks with Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security John Rood .

  19. 案例则分析了包豪斯时期的纳吉和国际主义风格的鲁德;第四章从信息革命时代切入,以强调情感的非物质设计概念诞生,它们可慰藉人类忙碌但虚无的心。

    The examples are study to the Bauhaus period Nagy and International Style Ruder ; Section four is from the information revolution , non-material of design concepts come out , which is emphasize the emotional . It helps the busy people who feel lonely and make them comfortable .

  20. 企业家能够鼓舞他人,是因为他们曾直面失败,知道它将只不过是“纸老虎”,就像鲁德亚德•吉卜林(RudyardKipling)说过的那样。

    Entrepreneurs learn to inspire because they have stared failure in the face and know it to be , as Rudyard Kipling said , an " imposter . "

  21. 在英国文学史上鲁德亚德.吉卜林代表着一种奇怪的现象。

    In English literary history Rudyard Kipling represents a strange phenomenon .

  22. 齐文化的开放、变通,鲁文化的礼德、诚信更是在中华民族的个性成长中起着举足轻重的作用。

    The openness , flexibility of Qi culture as well as the decorum and honesty of Lu culture play decisive roles on the growth of characters of the whole China .