
  • 网络peterson;petersen;Pedersen;Pietersen;Petterson
  1. 彼得森突然发现自己身陷一场殊死搏斗中。

    Peterson suddenly found himself in the thick of desperate fighting .

  2. 不到两年彼得森就被解雇了。

    Peterson was let go after less than two years .

  3. 我们争斗了两年,彼得森充分利用这点挑拨我俩对阵。

    We duelled for two years and Peterson made the most of it , playing us off against each other .

  4. 注:本文作者为美国彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstituteforInternationalEconomics)高级研究员。

    The writer is a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics .

  5. 这个不同寻常的建议来自彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstituteforInternationalEconomics)的雅各布•科克加德。

    The advice , albeit unusual , comes from Peterson Institute for International Economics ' Jacob funk Kirkegaard .

  6. 举例来说,通常力求达成一致意见的华盛顿彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstitute)也已经不耐烦地躁动起来。

    The normally consensus-seeking Peterson Institute , for instance , is seething with impatience .

  7. 皮特∙彼得森(PetePeterson),彼得森国际股份有限公司(PetersonInternationalInc.)总裁,澳大利亚维多利亚。

    Pete Peterson , president of Peterson International Inc. , Victoria , Australia .

  8. 正如彼得森国际经济研究所(petersoninstituteforinternationaleconomics)所指出的,中国需要出台更详细的具体法令,包括量化目标。

    As the Peterson Institute for international economics says , there need to be specific directives of greater detail , including numerical targets .

  9. 1998年,花旗集团及旅行者集团(Travelers)合并,彼得森负责整合两个集团各自的审计团队。

    After Citicorp and Travelers merged in1998 , Peterson oversaw the integration of their respective audit teams .

  10. 总部位于华盛顿的智库彼得森国际经济研究所(petersoninstituteforinternationaleconomics)表示,人民币兑美元汇率目前仍比公允水平低24%。

    The Peterson Institute for international economics , a Washington-based think-tank , says the renminbi remains 24 per cent below fair value against the dollar .

  11. 他参加了《权力的游戏》制片商面向语言创造协会(LanguageCreationSociety)会员设立的一场竞赛。彼得森是协会的联合创始人之一,协会宗旨是推广、讨论和解构人造语言。

    He entered a competition set by the Game of Thrones producers for members of the Language Creation Society , a group he had co-founded , to promote , discuss and deconstruct invented languages .

  12. 本文作者是布鲁塞尔Bruegel智库的高级研究员和华盛顿彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstituteforInternationalEconomicsinWashington)访问学者

    The writer is senior fellow at Bruegel in Brussels , and visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington

  13. 在尝试为各公司估值时,研究拉各斯computerwarehouse公司案例小组负责人瑞安彼得森(ryanpetersen)也报告了类似的问题。

    Ryan Petersen , who headed the team studying computer warehouse in Lagos , reported similar issues when trying to place a valuation on companies .

  14. 2010年这一比例可能接近3%&恰巧低于彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstituteforInternationalEconomics)所认为的均衡水平:4%。

    In 2010 , it could be closer to 3 per cent – incidentally below the 4 per cent level deemed as equilibrium by the Peterson Institute for International Economics .

  15. 本文作者艾尔o拉马丹、克里斯托弗o罗克海德和戴夫o彼得森是PlayBiggerAdvisors公司联合创始人。这家总部位于旧金山的咨询机构致力于指导科技公司高管如何打造市场领先的公司。

    Al Ramadan , Christopher Lochhead and Dave Peterson are co-founding partners at Play Bigger Advisors , a San Francisco-based firm that coaches technology executives to build market-leading companies .

  16. 彼得森的重大突破是《权力的游戏》(GameofThrones)。这部HBO的豪华大剧下月将开播第4季。

    Mr Peterson 's big break was Game of Thrones , the lavish HBO drama , which next month starts its fourth season .

  17. “人们曾认为,工业化国家的债务是安全的。这种观点是债券市场的主要支柱之一,”彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstituteforInternationalEconomics)的雅各布•柯克加德说。

    " One of the founding pillars is this concept that the debt of industrialized countries is risk free ," says Jacob Funk Kirkegaard of the Peterson Institute for International Economics .

  18. 你们诸位给了中国在亚洲自由活动的空间,他告诉彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstituteforInternationalEconomics)主任弗雷德伯格斯登(FredBergsten)。

    You guys are giving China a free run in Asia , he told Fred Bergsten , the director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics .

  19. 有的影迷在纹身时使用了彼得森为科幻电视剧《抗争》(Defiance)创造的语言文字。

    Some fans have tattoos using the writing system Mr Peterson created for the sci-fi TV series Defiance .

  20. 这样的评估结果不算出人意料:包括彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstitute)与咨询机构牛津经济研究院(OxfordEconomics)在内,许多受尊敬的独立机构一段时间以来就一再表达了类似的看法。

    The assessment was not a surprise : respected independent outfits such as the Peterson Institute and the consultancy Oxford Economics have been saying similar for a while .

  21. 我今天帮彼得森教授看孩子。他一直跟我说Ineedtopeeandpoo,可我又不懂是什么意思。

    LL : Sure , Li Hua , but first you have to tell me why you need to know what pee and poo means .

  22. 美国彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstituteforInternationalEconomics)所长弗雷德伯格斯滕(FredBergsten)相信,更长期而言,新兴经济体更快增长也是可持续的。

    Fred Bergsten , director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics , believed that in the longer term more rapid growth in emerging economies was also sustainable .

  23. 美国证券交易委员会(TheSecuritiesandExchangeCommission,SEC)指控摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)前高管盖斯•彼得森为了替公司招揽业务,向一家中国国有企业的官员行贿。

    The securities and exchange commission charged a former Morgan Stanley executive Garth Peterson with bribing an official of a state-owned Chinese company in order to win business for the investment firm .

  24. 华盛顿智囊机构彼得森研究所(PetersonInstitute)的资深研究员莫里斯格德斯坦(MorrisGoldstein)表示:真正的问题在于所有处于中间的国家。

    Morris Goldstein , senior fellow at the Peterson Institute think-tank in Washington , says : The real issue is all the countries in the middle .

  25. 倘若标普按业务分拆成几家独立公司的话,彼得森将从备受尊重的部门主管一跃成为华尔街一家独立、极具影响力而且盈利丰厚的公司的CEO。

    If S & P is spun off , Peterson would suddenly rise from respected division head to the chief executive of a standalone , influential , and highly profitable Wall Street firm .

  26. 彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstituteforInternationalEconomics)朝鲜问题观察人士哈格德(StephanHaggard)将朝鲜定期威胁有关国家的问题比作低信噪比现象。

    Stephan Haggard , a North Korea watcher at the Peterson Institute for International Economics , calls the problem of Pyongyang 's routine belligerence the phenomenon of a low signal-to-noise ratio .

  27. 美国财政部和美联储(Fed)前官员、目前供职于华盛顿彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstitute)的泰德杜鲁门(TedTruman)表示:把干预和货币政策混为一谈可能是危险的。

    Ted Truman , a former US Treasury and Federal Reserve official now at the Peterson Institute in Washington , says : Mixing up intervention and monetary policy can be dangerous .

  28. 在美国工作的会计专家和作者吉姆•彼得森(JimPeterson)表示,从中期来看,专业服务公司的招聘模式将出现戏剧性改变。

    Over the medium term , the hiring model of the professional services firms will change dramatically , according to Jim Peterson , a US-based accounting specialist and author .

  29. 彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstituteforInternationalEconomics)的凯文•斯塔勒(KevinStahler)表示,朝鲜出口到中国的锌、铅等矿产的价格显著低于其他出口国。

    North Korea has received significantly lower rates of payment than other exporters for its shipments to China of minerals such as zinc and lead , according to Kevin Stahler at the Peterson Institute for International Economics .

  30. 华盛顿智库彼得森世界经济研究所(PetersonInstituteforInternationalEconomics)主任伯格斯坦(FredBergsten)说,他预计G7实际上将成为G20内的富国核心层。

    Fred Bergsten , director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics , a Washington think tank , says he expects the G-7 will effectively become a rich-country caucus for the G-20 .