
  1. CGY-450高压传感器校准装置研制与应用

    Development and Application of the CGY-450 High Pressure Transducers ' Calibration Device

  2. 一种新型充油压阻高压传感器

    A new type oil-filled high pressure transducer based on piezoresistive element

  3. 高压传感器的高动压校准研究

    A study on the high dynamic pressure calibration of high-pressure transducers

  4. 一种复合式光纤光栅高压传感器的特性研究

    Study on pressure sensing characteristics of a compound FBG high pressure sensor

  5. 耐氢脆、耐腐蚀、中温、高压传感器

    Hydrogen embrittlement resistant , anticorrosion , moderate temperature , high pressure transducer

  6. 光纤光栅高压传感器封装技术实验研究

    Study on pressure sensing technology of a compensable fiber grating

  7. 一种用于研究高压传感器冲击特性系统的设计

    Systematic Design for Study on Shock Characteristic of High-pressure Transducers

  8. 高压传感器的准δ冲激动态校准

    Dynamic calibration of high-pressure transducers by a quasi - δ function excitation source

  9. 锰铜箔片弹性元件准静态高压传感器的设计研究

    Foil - like Manganin Sensor Design of Quasi - statical High Pressure Measurement

  10. 阵列化锰铜高压传感器的研制

    Development of manganin high pressure array sensor

  11. 具体内容包括:新型箔式锰铜超高压传感器的研制,基于虚拟仪器的数据采集系统的设计,自增强控制系统设计等。

    The paper mainly contains the design of a new foil-like manganin gauge , a DAQ system based on virtual system as well as the autofrettage controlling system .

  12. 基于YIG磁调滤波器的高压电流传感器

    The High Voltage Current Transformer Based on YIG filter

  13. 一种高温高压压力传感器的结构特点

    The characteristics of structure of a high-pressure transducer for high-temperature

  14. 一种3×3Sagnac光纤高压电流传感器的设计

    3 × 3 Sagnac fiber-optic high voltage current sensor

  15. 快响应薄膜式高压锰铜传感器

    High Pressure Thin-film Manganin Gauges of Fast Response

  16. 所以,研究和开发新型的耐高压电流传感器就变得格外重要。

    Therefore , the research and exploitation of new and immuno-high-voltage current sensors have become particularly important .

  17. 应用模糊综合评判的方法,在综合考虑高压压力传感器多指标时进行辨识决策,最后进行了实例计算。

    Decision-making and identification are carried out for high pressure sensor when several factors are considered based on the method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation , and an example is given .

  18. 降低汽机高压调门位移传感器LVDT故障率

    Decreasing the Failure Rate of LVDT Shift Sensor of HP Governing Valve of steam Turbine

  19. 结论在反应体系中加入RecA蛋白-互补单链DNA探针,能有效地提高压电基因传感器的灵敏度,明显缩短反应体系时间。

    Conclusion The sensitivity of piezoelectricity gene sensor array is improved and the time of procedure is decreased significantly by using the probe of RecA protein-complementary single strand DNA in reaction system .

  20. 一种新型的高压光纤电流传感器的研究

    A New Type of High-voltage Fiber Optic Current Sensor ′

  21. 柴油机高压油管压力传感器设计

    Design of High Pressure Fuel Tube Sensors in Diesel Engine

  22. 超高压光纤压力传感器理论和实验研究

    Research on the fiber-optic sensor for measuring ultra-high pressure

  23. 井下高温高压光纤光栅传感器的理论与现场测试研究

    Study on the Theory and Field Test of High Temperature and High Pressure Optical Fiber Grating Sensor Applied in Down-hole

  24. 介绍了一种新型的高压光纤电流传感器的设计思想及工作原理。

    In this paper , the design idea and the operation principle of a fiber optic current sensor with a little power consumption supplied with solar cells is presented .

  25. 磁感应式高压共轨转速传感器研制

    Development of Magnetoelectric Speed Sensor for High Pressure Common Rail System

  26. 一类耐高压电涡流位移传感器的温度补偿研究

    Temperature Drift Compensation for a High Pressure Eddy Current Displacement Sensor

  27. 新型耐高压电涡流位移传感器的研究

    Study on a New High-pressure Eddy Current Displacement Sensor

  28. 高压介质中位移传感器的标定方法

    A method to sign and decide of this displacement sensor in high pressure medium

  29. 在实验内利用模拟发电机定子线棒,进行高压试验。验证传感器方向性鉴别的可行性。

    Then carried the HV experiment utilizing simulated generator stator bar and the result show that direction discrimination of sensor is feasible .

  30. 铁电薄膜,由于具有良好的力电耦合性能,在过去二十年里广泛应用于高压电容器、传感器和铁电场效应晶体管等。

    Due to the large coupling between the electrical and mechanical properties , ferroelectric thin films are used in applications ranging from high-value capacitors and sensors to ferroelectric field-effect transistors .