
  • 网络wet magnetic separator;CTS-T;CTSBN
  1. Shp-2000型湿式强磁选机的研制与工业考核

    The development of shp-2000 high-intensity wet magnetic seperator and its operating examination

  2. SQC-6-2770型湿式强磁选机的设计和结构

    Some design and construction features of type sqc-6-2770 wet high intensity magnetic separator

  3. 一种用于回收金和铀的工业型湿式强磁选机的选别性能

    The performance of an industrial wet high-intensity magnetic separator for the recovery of gold and uranium

  4. 与鼓形湿式弱磁选机分选指标相比,铁回收率提高近6个百分点。

    Compared to separation indexes by wet drum type weak magnetic separation , nearly 6 % increase of iron recovery rate was obtained .

  5. 针对酒钢应用仿琼斯湿式强磁选机处理其粉矿的实际情况,介绍了此强磁机的磁场分布特点和颗粒在场强中的受力情况。

    In light of actual situation of processing fines using imitative Jones wet high intensity magnetic separators in Jiuquan Iron and Steel Complex , the distribution characteristics of magnetic field and the force applied to particles in magnetic field are introduced .

  6. 介绍了YZJ型永磁中磁场湿式筒型磁选机的设备结构及技术特性。

    The structural and technical characteristics of a YZJ wet-type drum permanent magnetic separator with medium magnetic field are described .

  7. 永磁中磁场湿式筒型磁选机及其应用

    Wet-type drum permanent magnetic separator with medium magnetic field and its application

  8. 将质点系动能定理和液体粘性摩擦理论应用于湿式永磁圆筒磁选机驱动电机功率的计算,推出了在目前的教科书中尚为空白的磁选机驱动电机功率的计算公式;

    Particle series kinetic energy theory and liquid viscous friction are used to establish driving motor power computing formula for wet tube permanent magnetism separator . This formula did not exist in textbooks .