
  1. 湿热体质与疾病关系研究痰湿体质论析

    Relationship between damp - heat constitution and syndrome of damp - heat STUDY ON PHLEGM DAMP CONSTITUTION

  2. 内生湿热体质是痛风性关节炎发病的内在基础,而发病以后内生湿热体质又是进一步产生痰热瘀毒的内在原因。

    Wet-heat constitution is the base of gout arthritis , also is the internal cause of further cause of phlegm-heat and stasis-toxin .

  3. 认为湿热体质与湿热证既存在程度上的差别,又具有密切的关系。

    The paper discussed the relationship between damp-heat constitution ( DHC ) and syndrome of damp-heat ( SDH ) from the angles of the disease occurrence , differentiation , treatment and drug administration .

  4. 通过对《内经》体质学说的再认识,以冠心病理论为研究目标探讨湿热体质与冠心病的关系。

    The further study of the constitution theory in Canon of Internal Medicine aimed at studying the theory of coronary heart disease was to study the relation between damp heat constitution and coronary heart disease .

  5. 湿热证候和体质因素相关,一经出现,往往贯穿始终。

    Dampness-heat syndrome is related to the factor of physique .

  6. 在所调查的69例失眠患者中,其人格特点以太阳、少阴者居多,而少阳、太阴、阴阳平和者较少;其体质特点以湿热、痰湿体质居多。

    Of the 69 cases investigated in patients with insomnia , its personality features to the Sun , Shao were most likely due Shaoyang , lunar , yin and yang were less calm ; its physical characteristics in order to humid , mostly physical phlegm .