
  • 网络Chinese medicine beauty;traditional Chinese medical science
  1. 中医美容专科建设发展初探

    Exploration on Construction and Development of Special Beauty Dept of TCM

  2. 医学美容学的重要分支&中医美容

    Branch of medical Cosmetology ── Cosmetology of Chinese Traditional medicine

  3. 中医美容护肤方的用药特点及组方规律研究

    Drug Used Characteristics and Prescription-Formulating Principle in TCM Cosmetology and Skin Care

  4. 中医美容与心理因素分析

    An Analysis on the Cosmetology of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Its Psychological Factors

  5. 人群体质与中医美容

    Human constitution and TCM Cosmetology

  6. 而这种独一无二的品牌文化可以从悠久的中医美容方式和独特而丰富的中国文化中提取。

    The unique brand culture may withdraws from the rich Chinese culture and the glorious Chinese medicine cosmetology way .

  7. 首先揭示了中医美容几乎与中医药同时产生和同步发展的史迹。

    The author first describes the historical fact that chinese medical cosmetology and chinese medicine were occured and developed almost synchronously .

  8. 中医美容学的重新崛起,适应了医学模式的转变,因此具有广阔的发展前景。

    Now that traditional Chinese medicine cosmetic has risen and adapted to the transformation of the medical model , it has a broad prospects .

  9. 中医美容方剂的运用具有悠久的历史和丰富的内涵,具有文字记载起,可追溯至两千年前。

    Prescription of Traditional Chinese Medical Cosmetology have a long history and rich connotation . With written records , can be traced back to two thousand years ago .

  10. 整合目前中医美容方药研究的成果和人才,可实现资源的共享,减少重复、低水平研究;

    The author thinks that integrating current research achievements of Topical prescription in TCM hairdressing and talents , can share resources , reduce duplication and low level researches ;

  11. 至解放后,尤其上世纪80年代以来,随着中医美容学的兴起,黧黑斑研究无论在形式和内涵上都取得了前所未有的进展。

    Until the liberation , especially since the 80s of the last century , with the rise of cosmetology in traditional Chinese medicine , the research on blackish facial patch both in form and content dark blotches has achieved unprecedented progress .

  12. 80年代,现代中医美容学开始崛起,发展迅速,在理论和临床研究上都取得了很大成绩,并受到国际美容界关注。

    Modern traditional Chinese medicine cosmetic began to come up in the 1980s . It has developed rapidly and achieved great achievements in the field of theory and clinical research , to which a great deal of attention has been paid by the international cosmetology .

  13. 结果魏晋南北朝时期,各科临床治疗都有所发展,尤其急症医学、针灸学有了较快发展,人们对中医美容也有初步的认识,并且关注疾病的地理分布和影响疾病分布的因素。

    Results In the Wei Jin Nan Bei Dynasties , all kinds of clinical treatment had some development , especially the emergency medicine and acupuncture had a rapid development , and people begin to understand herbalist doctor hairdressing and pay attention to the geographical distributes of disease and its factors .

  14. 中医药美容溯源

    Tracing to the Source of Cosmetology of Chinese Traditional Medicine

  15. 参与式教学法在中医学美容专业免疫学基础教学中的应用尝试

    Participatory teaching methods in medical immunology basis of professional beauty teaching trial

  16. 临床采用调经调带、补肾助孕治疗方法,在治愈不孕症、月经病、盆腔炎症的同时,使患者皮肤重新焕发光彩,可见中医中药在美容方面有很广的前景。

    The methods of regulating menstruation and whites , nourishing kidney for pregnancy clinically can make patients ' skin regain brilliance in the meantime of curing sterility , menstruation disease and pelvic inflammation , from this we can know TCM has broad prospect in beautification .