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  • 网络psychology of tcm
  1. 中医心理学和现代心理学各讲述了人心理的一个方面,结合起来才是真正的人的心理整体过程。

    The psychology of TCM and modern psychology discuss a portion of people mentality , integration of them is holistic psychology .

  2. 中医心理学事业经历了曲折的历程,本文综述了中医心理学的发展,并重点论述了当代中医心理学发展。

    The psychology of TCM experienced the winding development course , this article summarized history of psychology of TCM , and elaborated the contemporary development of psychology of TCM with emphasis .

  3. 中医心理学的发展及在中医妇科临床中的应用

    Chinese Medicine Psychology Development and in Chinese Medicine Gynecology Department Clinical Application

  4. 弗洛依德精神分析学说与中医心理学比较浅析

    Compared Analysis on Psychology in TCM and Freudian Psychoanalysis Theory

  5. 试论孙思邈中医心理学理论的基本特点

    On Fundamental Features of TCM Psychological Theory of Sun Simiao

  6. 近15年中医心理学研究文献计量学分析

    Bibliometric Analysis on the Research of TCM Psychology in Recent 15 Years

  7. 中医心理学发展的现状及展望

    Status Quo and Prospect of Development of TCM Psychology

  8. 中医心理学结合生物学和现代心理学可以得到某种程度的发展。

    The development of TCM psychology can be obtained by combining with modern biology and psychology .

  9. 浅谈中医心理学的临床应用

    Clinical Application of TCM Psychology

  10. 认为中医心理学在保持自身特色的前提下,应充分接纳引进多种研究方法。

    Results show that the former should hold other methods besides reservation of its own original specifications .

  11. 中国传统文化论述心脑头神等对中医心理学的形成产生了巨大影响;

    2 , Exposition on heart , head and mind , made by the Traditional Chinese Culture , affected to a great extent the formation of TCM psychology .

  12. 本研究结论如下:从现代医学发展趋势和医学模式的转变看中医心理学,其气质学说端的是符合现代医学模式的,也是符合现代心身医学标准的。

    The conclusions are as follow : from the development trend of medical development and the conversion of medical model , TCM Qizhi theory surely accord with modern medical model and modern Psychosomatic medicine .

  13. 中医心理学作为一门独立学科,出现于20世纪80年代,但其起源可追溯到秦汉时期的《黄帝内经》。

    As an independent subject , TCM psychology appeared in 1980s , but it could be traced back to the book , the Inner Canon of Huangdi ( Huangdineijing ) formed in Qin and Han Dynasties .

  14. 结论:中医心理学在《内经》时代就创立了,在理论基础,发病理论、诊疗理论、调摄理论都形成了完整的学术体系。

    CONCLUSION : Psychology of traditional Chinese medicine has been established in the era of Canon of Internal Medicine , and it has founded a complete academic system of theoretical basis , onset theory , diagnostic and curing theory and preserving theories .

  15. 这也引起更深层次的思考:在当今条件下,该使用什么样的研究方法去探究中医心理学的奥秘,中医心理学的发展该如何顺应现代心理学的发展转变。

    These theories could make a deeper reflection : at present , what kind of methods should be used to explore the mysteries of the psychology of traditional Chinese medicine , the development of traditional Chinese medicine how to adapt to changes of modern psychology .

  16. 中医心理学是以经典的中医理论为主导,在医事保健活动中,研究情志心理因素与疾病或健康之间的网络关系,并用于指导实践的一门系统的科学体系。

    Guided by classical Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) theories , Psychology of TCM is a systematic science system in guiding practice . In the medical health care activities , it focuses on the researches of the relationships among the psychological factors , illness and health condition .

  17. 因此,对于五神的深入研究,不仅对中医学、中医心理学的发展具有重大意义,而且对于发展和弘扬中国传统文化尤其是传统心理文化,亦有重要意义。

    Therefore , the in-depth study on five-spirits is of great significance not only for the development of traditional Chinese medicine and TCM psychology , but also for the development and promotion of Chinese traditional culture , especially traditional psychological culture .

  18. 本文在研析中医典籍的基础上,通过中医心理学与现代心理学的比较研究,试图阐明三个基本观点:1、五神的本意与现代心理学理论具有互通性。

    This paper , based on the analysis of TCM classics , by a comparative study of modern and TCM psychology , attempts to clarify the following three basic views : 1.The original meaning of five-spirits is compatible with modern psychological theory .

  19. 研究结果支持,根据中医理论及传统哲学思想,运用中医药结合中医心理学疗法治疗围绝经期综合征疗效较好。

    Findings support , according to TCM theory and the traditional philosophy thinking , the use of TCM therapy combined TCM psychology menopausal transition syndrome curative effect is good .

  20. 由中医学这一中华优秀文化宝库中分化发展并日益繁荣起来的中医心理学,为心理学研究模式的多元化和本土化,开辟了一条具有深厚历史积淀的新途径。

    TCM psychology , an increasingly flourishing branch of traditional Chinese medicine in the treasure-house of splendid Chinese culture , has opened up a new approach , profound in historical accumulation , for the diversification and localization of psychological research models .

  21. 讨论:①画线测验是引入西方心理测验方法,并具有中医理论合理内核,为研究气机情志的一种新的测量工具,为中医心理学的发展开拓出一种的科研思路。

    Drawing-line test is a new measuring tool for qi movement and theory of emotions in TCM , combining both TCM idea and methods of western psychological tests , providing a new way for the development of Psychology of TCM . 2 .