
qín sè
  • marital harmony;zither-like instruments
琴瑟 [qín sè]
  • [be on friendly terms] 比喻夫妻感情和睦

  • 窈窕涉女,琴瑟友之。--《诗.周南.关雎》

  • 妻子好合,如鼓琴瑟。--《诗.小雅.常棣》

  1. 2琴瑟阿,你们当醒起。我自己要极早醒起。

    Awake , psaltery and harp : I myself will awake early .

  2. 音乐会琴瑟和鸣的另一个形式是弦歌。

    Another form for Concert Harmonious Qin and Se is Xuan Ge .

  3. 城市与文化琴瑟和鸣

    The Matrimonial Harmony of City and Culture

  4. 让我每天如沐琴瑟。

    To my life every day .

  5. 这两个风象星座会在生活的起起伏伏中琴瑟和鸣。

    These two air signs will hum together in life , through the ups and downs .

  6. 《山海经》把农、工、车、舟、琴瑟、歌舞的发明权都归于他,还说他和羲和生了十个太阳,又生了十二月,这又和天文历法有了关系。

    Together with Xi ( the legendary goddess ) , he gave birth to 10 suns and 12 moons , which relate to the astronomy and the calen-dar .

  7. 王用檀香木为耶和华殿和王宫作台,又为歌唱的人作琴瑟。

    The king used the algumwood to make steps for the temple of the Lord and for the royal palace , and to make harps and lyres for the musicians .

  8. 你的威势,和你琴瑟的声音,都下到阴间。你下铺的是虫,上盖的是蛆。

    All your pomp has been brought down to the grave , along with the noise of your harps ; maggots are spread out beneath you and worms cover you .

  9. 赌书泼茶,琴瑟相和,你是幸运的,美满的婚姻让你尽情地释放着才华,为我们留下了许多千古绝唱。

    Gambling books poured tea , and phase , you are lucky , a happy marriage and let you enjoy the release of a talent , left us a lot of eternal farewell .

  10. 理性与信仰构成希腊人精神的两重纬度,两者之间虽有张力,却也琴瑟和谐,使整个希腊文化显示出田园诗般的和谐之美。

    Reason and faith constitute the spirit of the Greeks dual latitude , despite tension between the two , but also Qin-se harmony , the entire Greek culture showed idyllic beauty of the harmony .

  11. 大卫吩咐利未人的族长,派他们歌唱的弟兄用琴瑟和钹作乐,欢欢喜喜地大声歌颂。

    David also commanded the chiefs of the Levites to appoint their brothers as the singers who should play loudly on musical instruments , on harps and lyres and cymbals , to raise sounds of joy .