
gǒng shǒu
  • submissively;easily;easy;make an obeisance by cupping one hand in the other before one's chest;make an obeisance by cupping one hand in the other before chest
拱手 [gǒng shǒu]
  • [make an obeisance by cupping one hand in the other before chest] 两手抱拳,以示恭敬,服从

  • 你若同他拱手作揖,平起平坐,这就是坏了学校的规矩,连我脸上都无光了。--《儒林外史》

  • (1) [submissively]∶妥协地;顺从地

  • 拱手相让

  • (2) [easy;easily]∶容易,毫不费力地

  • 于是秦人拱手而取 西河之外。-- 汉. 贾谊《过秦论》

拱手[gǒng shǒu]
  1. 这些富家子弟指望一切都有人拱手送上。

    These rich kids expect to have it all handed to them on a silver platter .

  2. 如今谷歌看起来似乎把领地拱手让给了另一家中国网络巨头:阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)。

    Now it appears Google may have given up ground to another Chinese internet giant : Alibaba Group .

  3. 雅虎不能再把更多的市场份额拱手让给谷歌(Google)(抑或甚至包括微软的必应(Bing)引擎)了。

    Yahoo cannot lose more share in search to Google ( or indeed Microsoft 's Bing site ) .

  4. 在中国的新年期间,人们会拱手说“恭喜,恭喜”,意即表示“祝贺”。n.采取;假定;担任;承担;傲慢;

    People clasp their hands together and say " gong-xi , gong-xi , " meaning " congratulations " during Chinese New Year .

  5. 但是,如果苹果将可穿戴设备的主要市场份额拱手让与谷歌(Google)的Android,就像它在智能手机市场所做的那样,即便这样的销量可能仍表示苹果错失了良机。

    But this could still represent a missed opportunity if Apple cedes a dominant market share in wearables to Google 's Android , as it has in smartphones .

  6. 托马斯•达文波特(ThomasDavenport)和茱莉亚•柯比(JuliaKirby)警告称,与卡斯帕罗夫一样,人类可能轻易将未来拱手让给机器。

    Thomas Davenport and Julia Kirby warn that humans could , like Kasparov , cede the future to machines too easily .

  7. 过去两年,戴尔销量出现大幅下滑。去年,该公司将个人电脑市场头把交椅的位置,拱手让给了其最大竞争对手惠普(HP)。

    Over the past two years , the company has suffered from slumping sales and last year , it lost its place at the top of the PC market to arch-rival Hewlett-Packard .

  8. 这就相当于把一块巨大的市场蛋糕拱手让给了丰田(Toyota)卡罗拉、本田(Honda)思域、福特福克斯和雪佛兰(Chevrolet)克鲁兹等竞争对手。

    That leaves a huge chunk of the market to competitors like the Toyota Corolla , Honda Civic , Ford Focus , and Chevrolet Cruze .

  9. 实际上,黑莓似乎把应用开发空间拱手送给了谷歌,甚至它把Blackberry10能够运行安卓应用作为一个重大的卖点。

    Indeed , Blackberry seems to have surrendered the app development space to Google as it considers the new Blackberry 10 's ability to run Android app clones as a major selling point .

  10. 穆恩在一副顺子听牌上下了很大大赌注,只可惜他没有抽中,于是拱手将领先位置让给了Cada。

    Moon bet big on a straight draw but didn ` t hit his hand on the river , giving the lead back to Cada .

  11. 就在周二,研究公司IDC说,诺基亚今年一季度已经将其本土市场的榜首位置拱手让给了三星,三星占据了36.1%的市场份额,诺基亚为33.6%。

    Just on Tuesday , research firm IDC said that Nokia had ceded the top spot in its home market to Samsung in the first quarter , with the Korean company grabbing a 36.1 % share compared with Nokia 's 33.6 % .

  12. 苹果已经将部分市场份额拱手让给华为,以及Oppo和Vivo等相对不太出名的品牌。根据市场研究公司Canalys的数据,在今年二季度,华为、Oppo和Vivo分别占据中国市场份额前三甲位置。

    Apple has ceded ground to Huawei , as well as to relatively unknown brands such as Oppo and Vivo , who took the top three slots respectively in market share rankings for the second quarter , according to Canalys , the research group .

  13. 但房地产经纪商高纬环球(Cushman&Wakefield)的数据显示,随着中国内地游客削减支出的行为开始冲击到门店租金,去年年底,香港铜锣湾将全球最昂贵零售街区的桂冠拱手让与纽约第五大道。

    But as lower Chinese spending started to hit rents , Hong Kong 's Causeway Bay lost its crown as the world 's most expensive retail district to Fifth Avenue at the end of last year , according to Cushman & Wakefield , a property agency .

  14. 它不会把太平洋拱手让给中国。

    The Pacific is not about to be ceded to China .

  15. 统治阶级不会拱手交出其财富和权力。

    The ruling class will not surrender its wealth and power .

  16. 你一定是把钱拱手交给矿泉水业。

    You 've got to hand it to the bottled water industry .

  17. 如果选择后者,就可能把有价值的地盘拱手让给对手。

    If the latter , they risk ceding valuable turf to competitors .

  18. 他又对同学们拱拱手,弯弯腰拜拜年。

    Then he told classmates arch salutes , curved waist bye-bye years .

  19. 每当你使用你的购物卡时,其实你拱手交出了你自己的私人信息。

    Every time you use a loyalty card you surrender personal information .

  20. 如果你放弃的话你就是拱手让他们去赢

    If you quit , you 're letting them win .

  21. 城堡已拱手让给敌人。

    The fortress was delivered up to the enemy .

  22. 我不能把它拱手让给对任何人。

    I shall not give it up to anyone .

  23. 你只要简单地开个价,我就会拱手给你吗?

    If you simply showed up * I might give it to you ?

  24. 他一定很高兴拱手交到你手中

    I 'm sure he 'd be delighted to give it to you .

  25. 一个是把“四十年来家国,三千里路山河”拱手送与他人的南唐后主。

    Li Yi is the Southern Tang emperor who gives way to other people .

  26. 丰田去年将全球汽车销量冠军的宝座拱手让给了通用。

    Toyota last year relinquished the title of top seller of vehicles globally to GM.

  27. 西班牙会向德国拱手交出其国内最大的电力公司么?

    Will Spain retreat and allow a German takeover of its biggest electricity firm ?

  28. 他们拱手把这座城市让给了敌人。

    They surrendered the town to the enemy .

  29. 他绝不会拱手认输。

    He would never , never give up .

  30. 康拉德无意拱手让出我们要求的东西

    Conrad has no intention of simply handing over what we 're asking for .