
  1. 造成中医临床疗效下降的问题在于三个脱节,即中医学与自身文化基础脱节,中医临床与辨证论治脱节,中药与中医临床脱节。

    The decline of TCM efficacy is caused by the fact that Chinese Medicine is divorced from its cultural basis , clinical Chinese Medicine divorced from differential treatment , and Chinese herbal medicines from clinical Chinese Medicine .

  2. 随着对生殖内分泌探索的深入,补肾中药的实验与临床研究取得进一步进展。

    Accompany with the further research on the mechablism of procreation incretion , the experimental and clinical study on this procure has more development .

  3. 中药与天然药物非临床药代动力学评价的思考

    Viewpoint on Non-clinical Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Medicine

  4. 血府逐瘀浓缩丸含药血清药理与临床整体药效在抑制血小板活化作用上的一致性,反映出中药血清药理作用与临床整体药效的良好相关性。

    The consistency between clinical holistic effect of XCP and serum pharmacological effect of XCP in platelet activation inhibition reflects a good correlation between serum pharmacological effect of Chinese herbal medicine and its clinical holistic effect .