
  • 网络colouring
  1. 不同LED光源对转色过程中番茄果实营养品质影响显著。

    Different light emitting diode sources had significant effect on tomato fruit nutritional quality .

  2. 气相色谱法测定乙霉威在番茄中的残留不同LED光源对番茄果实转色期品质的影响

    Effect of different light emitting diode sources on tomato fruit quality during color-changed period

  3. 不同LED光源对番茄果实转色过程中生理特性及果实品质的影响

    Effect of Different Light Emitting Diode Sources on Tomato Physiological Characteristics and Fruit Quality during the Process of Color-changed

  4. 转色前用ABA处理后加速果皮叶绿素的降解,但抑制果皮类胡萝卜素的积累;

    ABA treatment accelerated chlorophyll degradation and inhibited carotenoid accumulation ;

  5. 转色期用外源ABA处理后果皮叶绿素降解加速,而类胡萝卜素积累受抑;

    Exogenous ABA accelerated the degradation of chlorophyll and restrained the accumulation of carotenoid ;

  6. 转色前用GA3处理后延缓果皮叶绿素的降解,并同样抑制果皮类胡萝卜素的积累,严重阻碍了果皮类胡萝卜素的合成。

    GA3 treatment delayed chlorophyll degradation and inhibited carotenoid accumulation and biosynthesis seriously .

  7. 3转色期果实在采后衰老过程中,Ca~(2+)-ATPase活性变化呈先升后降的单峰曲线。在采后第2d,酶活性最高,之后降低。

    The activity of Ca ~ ( 2 + ) - ATPase increased at first and then decreased , which reached the peak at 2nd after harvest .

  8. 以生长一致的红肉脐橙成年植株为试材,研究了果实转色前外源GA3和ABA处理对果实品质的影响。

    The effects of exogenous GA3 and ABA treatments on quality of Cara Cara orange before fruit coloring were studied .

  9. GA含量在果实膨大期迅速下降,并于果实转色前(10月10日)下降到最低值,以后维持较低水平;

    The content of GA decreased rapidly during fruit expanding period and decreased minimum before fruit coloring ( October , 10 ), after that maintained a lower level .

  10. SSC受环境的影响较大,在露地比保护地有较大的变异范围,果实转色期到商品成熟期SSC变化最快。

    SSC is easily influenced by environments , especially in field , and changs fastest from break to eatable ripe .

  11. 红光和红蓝组合光处理能够显著提高番茄果实糖、酸含量。4.不同LED光源对转色过程中番茄果实风味品质影响显著。

    The red light and R + B light were the most effective for the accumulation of the soluble sugar and titratable acid . 4 . Different light emitting diode sources had different effects on tomato fruit flavor quality .

  12. cDNA-AFLP是研究番茄基因差异性表达较为理想的方法,利用该法检测到162个在果实的膨大期、绿熟期、转色期和完全成熟期特异表达的TDF。

    Utilizing the cDNA-AFLP approach , 162 special TDFs were detected at different development stage of fruit , especially at break stage and red stage .

  13. 测定了红肉脐橙果实发育期间果皮叶绿素和总类胡萝卜素含量的变化动态,并在果实转色前用不同浓度的外源ABA和GA3处理后测定果皮色素含量的变化动态。

    The contents of chlorophyll and carotenoid in peel of Cara cara during fruit development were determined and effects of exogenous ABA and GA3 treatments before colour break on changes of chlorophyll , carotenoid content were also investigated .

  14. 呼吸强度和LOX活性高峰出现在发白期(BR),而乙烯释放量高峰延迟至转色期(TU)。

    The respiration rate and LOX activity reached their peaks at BR ( Breaker stage ) and ethylene formation delayed until TU ( Turning stage ), then LOX activity kept the high level until RED ( red ) stage .

  15. 在普通番茄果实的不同成熟时期Le-EIL基因都有表达,并且随着成熟度的增加基因表达有明显的增强,在转色期和粉红期Le-EIL基因的表达最强,在全红期后减弱。

    In wild type tomato fruit , the expression of Le-EIL gene increased as the fruits got ripening , and reached its peak level at turning and pink stage , then decreased .

  16. 光质对番茄果实转色期品质变化的影响

    Effect of Light Quality on Tomato Fruit Qualities in Turning - Color Period

  17. 彩色甜椒果实转色期色素的消长规律

    Ebb and Flow of Pigment of Colour Sweet Pepper Fruit in Colour-changed Period

  18. 栀子红转色酶的研究

    Study on the Enzyme for Producing Gardenia Red

  19. 以炉甘石或倭铅参和,转色为黄铜;

    Calamine or Japanese to participate in and lead , turn color to brass ;

  20. 紫黑色糯玉米沪紫黑糯1号选育及其转色特性研究

    Breeding of a purplish black waxy corn variety " Huziheinuo 1 " and its colour-changing characteristic

  21. 黄籽油菜种皮转色时期为开花后30天。

    The period of colour change of seed - coat of yellow seeds was at 30 days after flowering .

  22. 研究了4个果色不同的甜椒品种其果实叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、类黄酮和花青苷等色素在转色期的变化动态。

    The dynamic change of chlorophyll , carotenoid , cyanin and flavonoid of 4 variously colored fruit sweet pepper varieties is studied .

  23. 结果表明,随着果实的成熟,不同果色的叶绿素含量在转色期扬州大学硕士学位论文之前逐步增加,转色期达到最高,转色之后急剧下降;

    The results showed , Contents of chlorophyll increased gradually before changing color stage , attained the maximum at changing color stage , then decreased .

  24. 教师要在教学观念,教师观,目标培养观进行转变,尽快适应以人为本新教育观念下的角色转色。

    Teachers should transform from the teaching concepts , teachers ' viewpoints and ideal cultivation , and conform to the human-being centered teaching theory as soon as possible .

  25. 在冷藏过程中纤维素酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶活性在未熟和黄色果实中都稍有下降,而在成熟和转色果实中下降而后上升。

    During cold storage cellulase and β - glucosidase activity slightly decreased in Immature and Yellow fruit , while in Mature and Breaker fruit both declined and then increased till end of cold storage .

  26. 结果表明:在暗处理苞叶转色前,处理与未处理的植株间株高、冠幅、枝粗、节间长度、叶片数生长没有明显差异;

    The results showed : plant height , breadth of plant , diameter of stem , length of internode and number of leaves were no more difference between treatments and CK before treated plants flowering .

  27. 结果表明,乌紫杨梅果实干鲜重的快速增长、糖和花色苷含量的快速积累和酸含量的快速下降均发生在果实转色至成熟这段时期,即果实成熟前2周左右。

    The results showed the rapid accumulation of dry and fresh weight , sugars , and anthocyanin content and rapid decrease of the titratable acid content occurred during later stage of fruit development ( two weeks before maturation ) .

  28. 我们在番茄自交系06884中发现了一自然番茄叶色突变体,该突变体叶片上着生黄色斑点,在坐果期果实转色缓慢前期呈白色,但后期能够正常成熟,且果实硬度较大。

    In the tomato inbred line 06884 , we found a natural tomato leaf color mutant . There are some yellow spots in its leaves . The color of mutant fruit is white before breaker , but later could mature normally and mutant fruit has larger fruit firmness .

  29. 商品成熟果果色绿色、白色的类胡萝卜素含量随果实的生长逐步增加,生理成熟期达到最大值,商品成熟果果色淡黄色的类胡萝卜素含量在转色期之前逐步增加,转色之后下降;

    Contents of chlorophyll of the green color or white color fruit at marketable mature stage gradually increased with maturation , attained the maximum at physiological mature stage . Contents of carotenoid of the yellow color fruit at marketable mature stage increased slowly before changing color stage , then decreased .

  30. 27.8tex转杯色纺针织纱的纺纱工艺探讨

    Research on the Rotor Spinning Technology of 27.8 Tex Colour-Spun Knitted Yarn