
  1. 结果表明,转Bt基因棉田物种数低于常规棉田,个体总数和害虫的相对丰盛度高于常规棉田;

    The results showed that the species richness , individual numbers of the insect , the relative richness of pests in Bt cotton were decreased respectively , comparing with the traditional cotton .

  2. 旅游资源被开发而进入市场后,旅游资源就转为旅游吸引物。

    When tourism resources are developed and enter the market , they then turn to tourism attractions , which directly and particularly meet the demands of tourists .

  3. 通过解剖典型的个案,概括出作为无形文化资产(遗产)的文学,从无形转为有形的物化形态,衍生为产业链,从而走向当代价值实现的三个重要前提条件;

    By means of case analysis , the paper sums up three premises for the transfer of literature as intangible cultural capital into tangible materials as an industrial chain .

  4. 为了提高转杯纱的质量,拓宽其应用范围,开发新的转杯纱织物,通过对转杯纺纯棉精梳纱的生产工艺分析,提出精梳转杯纱的生产技术措施。

    In order to improve the quality of the OE yarn , widen its application and develop the new type OE textiles ( yarn and fabric ), put forward some measures for combed OE yarn by analyzing the production technology .