
zhuǎn chuán
  • change to another ship;transship
转船 [zhuǎn chuán]
  • [transship] 换乘另一条船或改乘轮船

  • 在长沙转船回家

转船[zhuǎn chuán]
  1. 您不觉得在悉尼转船太麻烦了吗?

    Don 't you think it 's troublesome to transship the goods at Sydney ?

  2. (四)您不认为在悉尼转船太麻烦了吗?

    Don 't you think it 's troublesome to transship the goods at Sydney ?

  3. 据我所知,在香港转船期间有货物被盗或损坏的风险。

    So far as I know , there are risks of pilferage or damage to the goods during transhipment in Hongkong .

  4. 兹通知合约项下货物业已于2005年12月19日装运“X”轮,在转船,估计于2006年1月初可抵达贵港。

    We wish to advise you that the goods under S / C No. went forward per steamer " X " on Dec.19 , 2005 to be transhipped in and expected to reach your port early Jan.2006 .

  5. 这一模型基于先到先服务的理念,考虑转船因素,以及空箱和重箱联合运输问题,并且通过Lingo求解最优值。

    In this model , it considers transshipment , empty container and heavy container . Then the model is solved by LINGO and gets an optimal value .

  6. 我们在香港转船去东南亚的货物途中未曾碰到过麻烦事。

    Asian-bound cargoes from rail to ship at Hongkong without mishap .

  7. (邮件的)转送地址联运运送包括复合运送及转船运送。

    Forwarding address Through transport includes multimodal and transshipment transports .

  8. 该信用证应允许分批装运和转船

    The Letter of Credit shall allow Partial shipment and transshipment

  9. 在香港转船,你意下如何?

    What do you say to shipping the goods at Hong kong ?

  10. 如果转船的话还有可能吗?

    Is there any chance of transshipment being allowed ?

  11. 根据装船单据,允许转船和分批装运。

    According to the shopping documents , transshipment and partial shipment are permitted .

  12. 未经买方事先允许,不得转船。

    Transshipment on route is not allowed without the Buyer 's prior consent .

  13. 转船会增加费用,另外还会增加偷窃、损坏的风险。

    Because transshipment adds expense as well as risk of damage and pilferage .

  14. 5月份装运,具体装运期由卖方选择,允许分批装运和转船。

    Shipment during May with partial shipment and transshipment allowed , sellers option .

  15. 货物将在香港转船。

    The goods wil , be transhippedkin Hong Kong .

  16. 货物交至终点站以前,需转船两次。

    There are two transshipments before the goods are delivered at their destination .

  17. 因为无直达班轮,请允许转船。

    As there is no direct liner to the destination , please allow transshipment .

  18. 既然到达时间对这批货物至关重要,我们同意在香港转船。

    We agree , as the time of arrival is crucial for this order .

  19. 在详阅后,我们发现不允许转船和分批装运。

    On perusal , we find that transhipment and partial shipment are not allowed .

  20. 装运口岸和目的地准许分批与转船。

    35 Loading Port & Destination : From with transhipment and partial shipments allowed .

  21. 载运船由卖方安排,允许转船。

    The carrying vessel shall be provided by the seller , transhipment is allowed .

  22. 转船运输若干法律问题研究

    A Study on Legal Issues of Transshipment

  23. 船长没能及时地掉转船头避免事故发生。

    The captain could not slew the ship round in time to avoid an accident .

  24. 我就已经要掉转船头了。

    I would have turned back .

  25. 为保证及时交货,如果没有直达班轮,我们将转船。

    No direct liner are available , we shall transship the goods to ensure timely delivery .

  26. 并依我国海商法规定,分析转船联运之运送人责任。

    It also analyzes carriers ' liability under transshipment transport based on the ROC Maritime Law .

  27. 我们没有开往中国的航班,货物必须在悉尼转船。

    We don 't have liners to China , we must transship the goods at Sydney .

  28. 装运期限:收到可以转船分批装运之信用证天内装出。

    Time of shipment : Within days after receipt of deposit not allowing transshipment and partial shipments .

  29. 保险单一式两份,投保海洋运输货物平安险,包括破碎险和转船险

    Insurance policy in duplicate covering ocean marine cargo clauses F.P.A Including Risk of Breakage and transshipment risk

  30. 我们的一些顾客希望知道将来是否有可能避免转船。

    Some of our customer wish to know if it 's possible to avoid transshipment in future .