
  1. 空中发射运载火箭发射轨道设计

    Trajectory design for air launch vehicle

  2. 讨论了空中发射运载火箭的基本特点、飞行方案、发射轨道设计和优化分析方法。

    The essential characteristics , flight sequence , trajectory design and optimal analysis for air launch vehicle are discussed .

  3. 飞马座火箭是美国第1种机载空中发射型固体运载火箭,主要用于将小型卫星送入近地轨道。

    Pegasus is the first air launched solid rocket in America , which is used to place small satellites into low earth orbit .

  4. 水平空中发射固体有翼运载火箭总体/动力/气动/轨道一体化设计与优化

    Integration design and optimization of system / solid rocket motor / aerodynamics / trajectory for horizontally air-launched vehicle with wings

  5. 测试了系统分析软件,应用基于方向的遗传算法优选了某水平空中发射固体有翼运载火箭28个设计参数。

    The system analysis software was tested and 28 design parameters for an horizontally air-launched vehicle were optimized by means of an improved genetic algorithm .