
  • 网络aerostatic bearing
  1. 高速空气静压轴承的精密动平衡

    Precision Dynamic Balancing of High-Speed Aerostatic Bearing

  2. 空气静压轴承以其高精度、低摩擦、无污染的特点广泛应用于航空航天、食品医药以及高精密机床和测量仪器等领域中。

    Attribute to its advantages of high accuracy , anti-friction , clean and health , aerostatic bearing is widely used in spaceflight , pharmaceuticals industry , food service industry , high precision machine tool and measuring instrument areas .

  3. 弹性橡皮栅式主动节流器探讨空气静压轴承孔型节流器的CFD研究

    A Discussion on Elastic-Baffles ' Active Restrictor CFD study on orifice-type restrictor in aerostatic bearing

  4. 空气静压轴承孔型节流器的CFD研究小孔节流式液体静压轴承优化设计

    CFD study on orifice - type restrictor in aerostatic bearing Optimum design of liquid hydrostatic bearing with orifice flow - restrictor

  5. 精密测试转台空气静压轴承动态特征

    Dynamic Characteristics of the Aerostatic Bearing on a Turn Table for Precision Measurement

  6. 模型支承于空气静压轴承。

    The model is mounted on gas bearings .

  7. 混合型表面节流空气静压轴承性能分析

    Performance Analysis of Mixed Type Face Restriction Air-bearing

  8. 空气静压轴承数学模型的建立

    Establishing mathematic model of air - hydrostatic bearing

  9. 空气静压轴承主轴回转精度的检测

    Test of Aerostatic Bearings Spindle Rotary Precision

  10. 针对这些要求,提出了将空气静压轴承应用于超高速微钻削电主轴支承结构中。

    A novel structure of motorized spindle with aerostatic bearings for micro drilling is analyzed .

  11. 用可变截面均压槽实现高刚度空气静压轴承的结构设计

    Application of elastic variable-section pressure-equalizing groove in the structural design of high-stiffness aerostatic thrust bearing

  12. 高精度空气静压轴承的研究

    Study on the high precision aerostatic bearings

  13. 工作台的空气静压轴承采用平面全封闭结构,实现气膜预加载。

    The designed aerostatic bearings adopt plane-closed structure . This structure has a gas film preload .

  14. 一种研究空气静压轴承工作特性的新方法&保角变换下的有限元分析法

    A New Method for Studying Properties of Aerostatic Bearing ── Finite Element Analysis Method under Conformal Transformation

  15. 用O型胶圈支撑的空气静压轴承稳定性研究

    A study on stability of an externally pressurized gas journal bearing with " 0 " rubber support

  16. 带伺服滑环和空气静压轴承的转台主轴干扰力矩的实验研究

    Experiment and study of the disturb torque of the main shaft of Turning-table with servo slip-ring and air hovered bearing

  17. 研究轴承参数对轴承静态性能的影响,提出空气静压轴承的设计准则。

    Study the effect of bearing parameters on the static performance of the aerostatic bearing . The design rules for aerostatic bearing were proposed .

  18. 小孔节流空气静压轴承中,由于进口效应现象的存在导致轴承气膜内实际压力分布不再符合传统的层流假设。

    For orifice compensated aerostatic bearings , entrance effect leads differences between actual pressure distributions and traditional laminar flow assumption in gas film of the bearings .

  19. 为了对空气静压轴承进行优化设计,本文以空气静压轴承的轴向流模型为基础建立了孔式节流和狭缝节流的轴颈轴承和止推轴承的数学模型。并对J。

    To optimize the design of air-hydrostatic bearing , this paper establishes mathematic model of journal and thrust bearings with orifice and slot restrictors , and corrects several hypotheses of J.

  20. 空气静压轴承由于其无磨损,高回转精度,机械振动小,寿命长等优点,常用来作为超高速空气静压电主轴的支承元件。

    The hydrostatic bearing has advantages of high precision , high limiting speed , long life , small vibration and so on . Which is appropriate for the bearing components of ultra high-speed motorized spindle .

  21. 该测功机采用摩擦阻力最小的空气静压轴承作为两个测量机构的摆动轴承,能同时分别测出涡轮发出的功和涡轮增压器损失的机械功。

    The aerostatic bearings of minimum friction are used in two yawing measuring sets of the dynamometer . The power developed by turbine and the mechanical power lost in the turbocharger can be separately measured simultaneously .

  22. 精密与超精密加工技术伴随着科学的飞速发展应运而生,对做为精密与超精密加工设备重要部件的空气静压轴承的动静态性能提出了更为苛刻的要求。

    With the development of science and technology , the precision and ultra-precision processing technology was born , which puts forward more stringent requirements to aerostatic bearings that are important components of the precision and ultra-precision processing equipment .

  23. 基于金刚石刀具研磨机床空气静压轴承的动平衡原理,通过现场动平衡实验,能够将主轴轴向振动的最大幅值控制在0.084μm以下,从而可以刃磨出满足超精密加工要求的高质量金刚石刀具。

    Through analyzing the field dynamic balancing principle of aerostatic bearing , the field dynamic balancing experiment are proceeded , the maximal swing is controlled below 0.084 μ m , and finally the high-quality tools that meet the requirements of the ultra-precise machining have been obtained .

  24. 空气静压圆柱轴承结构参数匹配关系的研究

    Study on Matching Relationship between Structual Parameters of the Aerostatic Cylindrical Bearing

  25. 空气静压推力轴承压力分布实验台研制

    Test bed of Pressure Distribution of Aerostatic Thrust Bearing

  26. 应用边界元法研究小孔节流空气静压径向轴承的运动精度

    Use Boundary Element Method to Analyze the Kinematic Accuracy of Orifice Compensated Aerostatic Cylindrical Bearings

  27. 详细地介绍了空气静压径向轴承试验台的设计过程。

    This paper introduces a design process of a testing stand for aerostatic journal bearings .

  28. 本文对承载量较大(800牛顿)、转速较高(20000转/分)的空气静压向心轴承的静态特性作了试验研究。

    This paper describes the experimental study of static performance of air hydros-tatic bearing with higher load capacity ( 800 N ) and speed ( 90000 rpm ) .

  29. 1翻译器的设计与实现,主要分四个阶段:第一阶段为词法分析阶段,主要内容为分析ASN.应用边界元法研究小孔节流空气静压径向轴承的运动精度

    The first part is lexical analysis , and the main work is to analyze ASN . Use Boundary Element Method to Analyze the Kinematic Accuracy of Orifice Compensated Aerostatic Cylindrical Bearings

  30. 高承载能力空气静压轴颈轴承的研究

    Research on air hydrostatic bearings with high load carrying capacity