
  • 网络air pollution forecasting
  1. 通过对国内外空气污染预报研究状况的了解,经过反复论证,确定了以多元回归方法为主要预报方法,辅以权重系数法、相关系数法建立统计预报模型并编制开发出相关的预报系统软件。

    The forecasting model and software was set up undertaking the method of pluralistic regression and coefficient and relevant coefficient after considering the situation of studying on the air pollution forecasting domestic and aboard .

  2. 通过对空气污染预报方法的研究,采用MOS预报方法、卡尔曼滤波方法分别建立适合于合肥市空气污染特点的预报模式,为开展空气污染预报提供了必要的技术基础。

    By using the methods of MOS and Kalman filter , two forecasting models for Hefei ′ s air pollution are established . The models provide the necessary supporting technology to make the forecast of air pollution at Hefei City .

  3. 空气污染预报污染物排放清单数据库的研究与建立

    Study on Pollutant Inventory Database of Air Pollution Forecast in Tianjin

  4. 空气污染预报应用模型系统建立初探

    New Research on Establishing Application Model System of Air Pollution Forecast

  5. 区域空气污染预报的风场数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Wind Field for Prediction of Regional Air Pollution

  6. 空气污染预报&城市可持续发展的重要举措

    Air Pollution Forecast , a Key Measure for Sustainable Urban Development

  7. 复杂地形空气污染预报模式的研究

    The research on Air Pollution Predication Model in complex terrains

  8. 中国重点城市空气污染预报及其进展

    Air Quality Forecast and Development in Major Cities of China

  9. 平顶山市空气污染预报研究

    A study on the air pollution forecast of Pingdingshan City

  10. 一个基于中尺度数值模式的城市分区空气污染预报方法

    A district-partitioned City air polution prediction method based on meso-scale numerical model

  11. 集对分析在城市空气污染预报中的应用研究

    The Application of Set Pair Analysis on City Air Pollution Index Forecasting

  12. 北京市空气污染预报业务显示服务系统

    Display and Service System of Air Pollution Forecast in Beijing

  13. 兰州城区空气污染预报的动力统计模型

    The dynamic statistics model of air pollution in Lanzhou proper

  14. 广西城市空气污染预报业务系统的建立

    Establishment of City Air Pollution Prediction System in Guangxi

  15. 可用于城市空气污染预报的嵌套气象模式系统

    Nested Meteorological Model System for Air Pollution Prediction

  16. 兰州城区冬季空气污染预报方法研究

    A Study on the Forecasting Methods of Air Pollution in Lanzhou Proper in Winter

  17. 重庆市空气污染预报

    Air pollution prediction in urban region , chongqing

  18. 当前城市空气污染预报方法存在的问题及新思路

    A New Idea for Urban Air Pollution Forecast

  19. 城市空气污染预报预警系统的研究

    A Study of a System of the Air Pollution Forecast and Alarm in the City

  20. 空气污染预报方法简介

    Brief Introduction of Air Pollution Forecast Methods

  21. 因此,利用上游沙区的沙尘指数作为下游邻近城市空气污染预报的重要因子。

    It is possible to build urban air pollution statistical forecasting model with the sand-dust index .

  22. 环境空气污染预报及其意义

    Air Pollution Forecast and Its Significance

  23. 空气污染预报属于正问题,而从污染物浓度来求解扩散系数则属于反问题。

    Air pollution prediction is a direct problem , and deriving diffusion coefficients from the concentration of pollutants is an inverse problem .

  24. 文章叙述了空气污染预报几种理论和方法,特别详细介绍了天津市空气质量预报方法及其应用效果。

    Air quality forecasting method and the theory was described in this article . Especially Air quality forecasting method applied in Tianjin and the results obtained in this study .

  25. 该模型既考虑了气象条件对污染浓度的作用,又考虑了污染排放量对污染浓度的作用,与以往的空气污染预报统计模型相比,所依托的物理基础更可信。

    The model is considered the role of weather conditions on the concentration of pollution , and pollution emissions into the role of pollution concentrations , in comparison with the previous air pollution forecast statistical models , is based on the more credible physical base .

  26. 基于BP网络的空气污染指数预报研究

    Forecast of air pollution index based on BP neural network

  27. 城市空气污染数值预报系统CAPPS及其应用

    City air pollution numerical prediction system and its application

  28. 福州市空气污染浓度预报方法

    A Forecast Method of the Density of Atmospheric Pollutant in Fuzhou City

  29. 天津市空气污染数值预报实验中的模式系统

    Modeling System Applied to Tianjing Air Pollution Forecasting Experiment

  30. 城市空气污染数值预报试验

    Numerical Prediction of Air Pollution in Urban Area