
  • 网络air quality daily
  1. 空气质量日报中使用污染物指数API,评价结果比较明确,但取最大值的过程中,遗漏了其他污染物的信息。

    API was used in air quality daily , the result was definitude . But in the process of choose the max value ; the information of other pollutants was leaved out .

  2. 重点城市空气质量日报分析和图形表征技术研究

    Research of analysis system on urban ambient air quality daily report

  3. 收集了2006年《重点城市空气质量日报》中中国86个重点城市空气质量主要分析指标&空气污染指数(API)、首要污染物、空气质量级别,并对数据进行统计分析。

    Analyze the main index , which include API , primary pollutant , air quality level , in86 cities of china from Urban Ambient Air Quality Daily Report of2006 .

  4. 本文介绍我国城市空气质量日报的污染参数的选取、污染指数的分级及其浓度限值和污染指数API计算及确定;

    The article introduces the selection , classification and concentration limits of ( pollution ) parameters , and computation of ( pollution ) index API of daily air quality of cities in China .

  5. 福州市空气质量日报自动化系统的设计应用

    Design and Application of Automatic System for Air Quality Daily Report in Fuzhou

  6. 忻州市空气质量日报与预报方法

    Daily Forecast and Method of Air Quality in Xinzhou

  7. 基于B/S结构的城市空气质量日报发布系统设计

    Design of Urban Air Quality Daily Report System Based on B / S Construction

  8. 空气质量日报、预报管理信息系统开发浅谈

    Discussion on The Information Management System Development on Day Report and Forcast of Air Quality

  9. 新疆空气质量日报网站数据传输管理系统的设计与实现

    Realization and Design of the Website Data Transmission Management System of Xinjiang Air Quality Report

  10. 1998年,包括北京,天津和上海在内的10个城市开始引入空气质量日报。

    Ten cities , including Beijing , Shanghai and Tianjin , started issuing daily air quality reports in1998 .

  11. 基于空气质量日报的乌鲁木齐市空气质量变化特征及成因分析

    Characters and Causes Analysis of Air Quality Changes in Urumqi City Based on Daily Report of Air Quality

  12. 该系统已应用于上海市大气环境自动监测数据和空气质量日报数据的管理。

    It is used in the management of Shanghai air automatic monitoring data and air quality daily report data .

  13. 结合空气质量日报业务系统,设计和开发出空气质量数据管理信息系统和数据查询系统。

    According to the air quality daily report system , the paper designs air quality data management information system and data query system .

  14. 通过互联网管理和发布城市空气质量日报是城市环境信息化建设的主要内容,系统的推广和应用有利于我国空气质量日报工作的进一步深入。

    With the development of network technology , management and issuance of urban air quality daily report through internet have become the major content in city environmental information construction .

  15. 本系统被中国环境监测总站从2001年6月5日开始投入实际运行以来,每天产生的全国重点城市空气质量日报预报都在中央电视台一台的晚间新闻期间播出。

    The system is rightly circulated in China Environment Monitoring Center by June , 5,2001 and the report forms of atmosphere quality daily forecast of key city is broadcast on night news of CCTV-1 everyday .

  16. 以上海市环境监测中心发布的空气环境质量日报为依据,对上海市空气环境质量进行了研究。

    Air quality in Shanghai is studied according to Shanghai Air Quality Daily Report in this paper .

  17. 从空气质量周报、日报发展到现在的空气质量预报,标志着环境保护工作达到了一个新高点,充分体现了环境保护以人为本的工作宗旨。

    From the city air quality weekly report and daily report air quality forecast now , environmental protection has attained a new achievement .