
  • 网络Frequency Distribution
  1. 本文利用p自适应策略结合局部时间算法模拟了部分溃坝问题,数值结果显示,一方面插值次数分布与数值解变化情况能够正确地对应,同时计算效率也进一步得到了有效地提高。

    In this paper two models of partial dam-break are simulated using p-adaptation and local time-stepping strategy and the results show on one hand the distributions of polynomials correctly correspond to the changes of numerical solutions and on the other hand the computational efficiency is again enhanced effectively .

  2. 结果表明,分离世代F2及F2:3家系含油量次数分布均呈混合的正态分布,符合主基因+多基因的遗传特征。

    The frequency distributions of oil content in F2 and F2:3 family populations show characteristics of a mixed normal distribution , which indicated that the inheritance of oil content followed a major gene plus poly-gene model .

  3. RILs种子萌发性状的次数分布呈连续变异,表明种子萌发性状是由多基因控制的数量遗传性状,且多数RILs偏向于盐敏感型。

    The frequency distributions of germination traits in RILs population showed continuous segregation , suggesting these were quantitative traits controlled by several genes , and more RILs were skewed to salt sensitive type .

  4. 机动车第三者责任保险理赔次数分布模型研究

    Studies on the Claim Frequency Model of Automobile Third Party Liability Insurance

  5. 算法在给定码率的情况下,可以进行优化次数分布对的自动搜索,同时获得相应的码集噪声门限。

    The proposed algorithm can automatically choose an optimization degree distribution and obtain a corresponding ensemble threshold .

  6. 结果四类投保人和全部保单的理赔次数分布均服从负二项分布。

    Results The claim numbers in either groups of policy-holders or in overall policies followed a negative binomial distribution .

  7. 对17个性状作次数分布图分析结果表明,四川与云南两地相比生育期变化最为明显。

    Mapping the number distribution of 17 traits , found the most obvious of the changes was growth period between Sichuan and Yunnan .

  8. 优度不仅与炮检距分布、方位角分布、面元尺寸大小及覆盖次数分布有关,更重要的是,优度分析参数可用来研究介质各向异性的有利分布区域。

    The superiority is not only related to offset distribution , azimuth distribution , bin size and folds , but more important , the parameters of superiority analysis can be used for study of favorably distributed region of anisotropy in the medium .

  9. 制谱时应把载荷时间分布按载荷&转速规律化为载荷次数分布,然后进行制谱。标出最后一条裂纹的位置,然后卸去载荷。

    Second , measure the load of the gear and its revolutional speed in step , and change the load distribution on time into another load distribution on loaded numbers . The position of the last crack is marked before unloading the beam .

  10. 非寿险精算中,索赔次数的分布一般假设为普阿松分布P(λ).风险非同质时的分布称为混合分布。

    In non-life-insurance accuracy , the distribution of the damages-acclamation times λ is normally supposed as poisson distribution P (λ), which is also called mixed distribution in the case that risks are of different qualities .

  11. 进行序列测定,共获得53个CA(n≥7)重复序列,重复次数主要分布于7~15(80.77%)。

    Then , 53 ( CA ) n ( n ≥ 7 ) microsatellites were obtained by sequencing . The repeat length mainly distributed in 7-15 ( 80.77 % ) .

  12. 总结了PDS模型应用的关键技术,包括独立性判别、阈值的选取、超定量次数概率分布的选择。

    The Principles for applying the PDS model , such as the independence criteria , the threshold selection and determination of the probability distribution of the number of exceedance events , are summarized .

  13. 免赔额和NCD赔付条件下保险索赔次数的分布超额赔款再保险又分为险位超赔再保险、事故超赔再保险和累积超赔再保险三种方式。

    The Distribution about Numbers of Claims on Homogeneous Policyholders under NCD System and Stop Loss Insurance Excess of loss reinsurance composed of per risk excess of loss , per occurrence excess of loss and stop loss reinsurance .

  14. 复合二项风险模型中有关索赔次数的分布

    The Distribution of the Number of Claim in the Compound Binomial Risk Model

  15. 观察了慢速脉冲的发生次数、分布以及与血糖变化的协同性。

    The number and distribution of ultradian oscillations of insulin secretion and pulse concomitancy are observed .

  16. 搜索型随机格斗命中次数的分布与毁伤概率

    The Distribution of the Hit Times and the Kill Probability in a Stochastic Duel with Searching

  17. 索赔次数数据分布的拟合

    The Distribution of Claim Frequency

  18. 均匀相带分数槽绕组磁势谐波的次数和分布系数

    The orders of m.m.f. harmonics and the distribution factors of fractional - slot windings with equal PHASE-BELT

  19. 电力系统故障服从泊松分布,根据各类设备的运行数据即平均故障率,计算出该类设备故障次数的分布曲线。

    Furthermore , the paper puts forward the method based on Poisson distribution to calculate the distribution curve of facilities fault times according to average fault ratios .

  20. 我们也得到在广义服务时间内服务台发生故障次数的分布,证明它服从一个修正的几何分布。

    We also obtain the distributions of failure number which server takes in a generalized service time , and show that it follows a modified geometric distribution .

  21. 宫颈上皮内瘤变80例患者妊娠次数的分布情况,未孕者3例,3次以上妊娠患者39例,占48%。

    Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 80 patients the distribution of the number of pregnancy , no pregnancy in 3 cases , more than 3 times of 39 patients with pregnancy accounted for 48 % .

  22. 网络信息资源被链接次数的频数分布模型

    Model of Frequency Distribution on the Hyperlinked Number of Network Information Resources

  23. 利用热分布次数作为热分布时间的衡量尺度,研究了单分子-光子泵的制冷效率。

    The times of heat distribution was taken as time scale in investigating cooling efficiency .

  24. 此外,他还绘制出标注发生校园性骚扰次数的地域分布图,并归纳出了时间频率图。报告显示,晚上6点事件发生的概率最高,为24%。

    In addition to geographical distribution of incidents , the report also showed the time of assaults , topped by a 24 percent rate at 6 pm .

  25. 本文根据生产单位事故发生的随机性特点,论证了未来时段中事故次数及其时间分布等各项指标,是能够用多种随机数学模型和灰色系统理论来预测的。

    This article , according to the accident random in a production unit , has proved that the number and time distribution of accidents at future intervals and other indexes can be predicted with a variety of stochastic mathematical model and grey system theory .

  26. 研究了估计超定量洪水年发生次数的泊松分布和二项分布,并将这两种分布分别与指数分布组合,模拟超定量洪水系列,推导出T年重现期洪水估计的计算公式。

    The annual occurrence number of the partial duration flood series estimated by the Poisson distribution and binomial distribution was studied in this paper . The above two distributions were combined with exponential distribution of peak magnitudes to obtain the T-year flood estimator , respectively .

  27. 基于信息扩散的结果,计算了以年为周期的重大火灾发生次数的超越概率分布,建立了一种重大火灾频度估算方法。

    Based on information diffusion , a method of great fire risk prediction is raised up ; exceeding probability of the number of great fire annual in Japan was calculated .

  28. 经模型线棒的老化试验验证,在不同老化因子作用下局部放电的放电量、放电次数和放电脉冲分布等参量都有不同的变化规律。

    The PD test results of model bars aged under different stresses display that there are larger differences in the discharge magnitude , discharge impulse number and discharge impulse distribution etc.

  29. 对一类阶梯过程的模型进行定义,提出单位时间内的平均跳跃次数和跳跃度分布函数,给出产生该阶梯过程的样本函数。

    A model of step process was defined , and avenue jump frequency and distributed function of jumping degree were given in this paper , and the sample function of step process was offered as well .