
cì xīng
  • secondary star
次星[cì xīng]
  1. 那次星蚀将是这一长串星蚀的最后一次了,它们已经在狮子座和水瓶座每六个月到来一次长达两年了。

    That eclipse will be the last in a long series of eclipses that have come by every six months in Leo and Aquarius for two years .

  2. 2003年3月,卫星研制及应用部门联合进行了一次整星状态下的CCD相机定标实验。

    In March 2003 , satellite manufacturer and application department jointly took CCD calibration test in integration status .

  3. 对这类患者,每日可注射一次苄星青霉素。

    For such patients , benzathine penicillin by injection monthly is recommended .

  4. 第四次脉冲星和活动天体学术讨论会(1985年8月,承德)

    The 4th Symposium on Pulsar and Active Objects ( Chengde , Au-gust 1985 )

  5. 警官最近获取了一次大飞星射击在北密执安天空。

    A police officer recently captured a large meteor shooting over the northern Michigan skies .

  6. 这每九年会发生一次,每当星蚀走回到魔羯或巨蟹时。

    This happens whenever the eclipses travel back to Capricorn and Cancer , which happens once every nine years .

  7. 所以我取到了最后一次拨出的星门地址。

    So I 've gathered the last gate addresses dialed .

  8. 记得同样回应它,观察它的反应,享受一次真正的喵星人对话。

    Trill back , watch her reaction and enjoy a true cat chat .

  9. 安装在雷达天线阵面上的阵面二次电源,是星载雷达的重要组成部分。

    As an important component of the satellite-borne radar , the power supplies for array are fixed on the antenna array .