
  • 网络field star
  1. 这种方法最初是利用元素对Th/Nd来确定G矮星的年龄,近年来开始利用元素对Th/Eu和U/Th来确定晕族场星和球状星团内恒星的年龄。

    At first , this age-dating approach was used to estimate the age of G-dwarf stars with Th / Nd chronometry . Recently , it has been used to evaluate the age of halo field stars and globular cluster stars with the Th / Eu and U / Th chronometers .

  2. 银河系除了场星外,还有非常多成团的恒星系统。

    In addiction to the field stars , there are many star clusters in the Milky Way .

  3. 固定天区小视场星跟踪器两颗星识别方法

    Two-star Pattern Recognition Method in Small Field of View in the Fixed Sky-area

  4. 折反式大视场星敏感器光学系统的设计

    Design of a Catadioptric System for Star Sensors with Wide Field of View

  5. 卫星自主定轨中轨道摄动仿真组合大视场星敏感器自主定轨方法

    An Autonomous Orbit Determination Method for Satellite Star Sensors with Large Field of View

  6. 野外自主车陆地组合导航系统研究组合大视场星敏感器自主定轨方法

    INTEGRATED LAND NAVIGATION SYSTEM OF AUTOMOBILES An Autonomous Orbit Determination Method for Satellite Star Sensors with Large Field of View

  7. 组合大视场星敏感器星光折射卫星自主导航方法及仿真

    Method and Simulation of Autonomous Navigation for Satellite by a Combination Star Sensor with Large View Field and Starlight Refraction

  8. 研究了在观测天区固定的前提下,小视场星跟踪器视场内只有两颗观测星时的星图模式识别算法。

    The two-star pattern recognition method is researched on the small field of view provided that the sky-area to be observed is fixed .

  9. 叙述了利用组合大视场星敏感器确定地心的方法;组合大视场星敏感器自主定轨中的星光折射

    The earth center determination method is described ; The Starlight Refraction in Autonomous Orbit Determination for Satellite By Large Field of View Star Sensors

  10. 就组合大视场星敏感器卫星自主定轨方法,建立了太阳引力摄动下的广义卡尔曼滤波模型,且进行了计算机仿真;

    In this paper , the extended Kalman filtering model is given under the solar perturbation for this orbit determination method by large field of view star sensors , and the computer simulation is done .

  11. 该文针对基于组合大视场星敏感器星光折射的卫星天文自主导航方法,应用广义卡尔曼滤波理论,建立了月亮引力摄动下的系统状态模型和系统观测模型。

    In this paper , we set up observation model and state model of the system aiming at autonomous navigation for satellite by a combination sensor with large field of view and starlight refraction , applying extended Kalman filtering theory .

  12. 大孔径大视场轻小型星敏感器光学系统

    Optical system of light star tracker with wide field and large aperture

  13. 多极场和脉冲星γ辐射

    Multipole fields and gamma-ray emission from Pulsars

  14. 本文讨论有力场的脉冲星磁层结构。

    In this paper , the magnetospheric structure of pulsar is discussed for the forced magnetic field .

  15. 由于激光光场光束窄,星间距离大,使得卫星光通信终端安装精度对PAT性能的影响增大。

    Because of the narrow laser beam and the long distance between the satellites , the effect of the setting precision of the intersatellite optical communication terminal to the PAT ability is increased .

  16. 利用Lick天文台的NPM星表作为参考架,高精度地测定银河场天琴RR型星的绝对自行,可以使得对于这些恒星空间运动的研究建立在更加可靠的基础上。

    High precision measurements of absolute proper motion for Galactic field RR Lyrae stars on the reference frame from the Lick NPM catalogue enables the investigation of space motions for these stars based on more reliable data .

  17. 中高层大气风场和温度场星载探测技术研究进展

    Development for Detecting Upper Atmospheric Wind and Temperature From Satellite

  18. 概要讲述了利用紧缩场进行卫星整星状态下的天线及卫星系统测试的原理及方法。文章还对该紧缩场的测试误差进行了全面的分析。

    The test principles and test methods of the antenna and satellite RF system in Compensated Compact Range are summarized , and the test errors are analyzed .

  19. 对多普勒干涉仪测量大气风场进行了原理性研究,为实现我国中高层大气、热层大气风场和温度场星载直接测量做好了的前期准备。

    Finished fundamentals research in Doppler interferometer measuring vector wind , which is prior preparation of measuring the winds , temperatures in the mesosphere and thermosphere region of the atmosphere on satellite .

  20. 非相干测风激光雷达是目前风场测量的最先进的技术之一,它可以提供高精度、高分辨率的大气风场信息,是星载测风激光雷达的首选技术。

    Incoherent wind lidar is one of the most advanced wind measurement techniques . It can provide high accuracy and high-resolution wind information , and it is premier choice of space-borne wind lidar .