
  1. 第一场考科学。Archana的母亲看见女儿如此紧张有些担忧。

    Her first was Science and Archana 's mother was very worried in seeing her daughter being so nervous .

  2. 中国传统戏场建筑考略之一&历史沿革

    Introduction of Chinese Traditional Theatrical Buildings Part A : History

  3. 你这场考试考一百分?了不起喔!

    You got a hundred on the test ? Good for you !

  4. 你这场考试考一百分?

    You got a hundred on the test ?

  5. 最后一场考试考完我将打好的行装放进车里,跟大家告别时说秋天见。

    I packed my car after my last exam and said my good-byes until the fall .

  6. 该文结合工程实例,介绍了驾驶员培训考验场训考道路场地设计的方法,可供类似工程参考。

    Combined with the engineering practical examples , the article introduces the design method of the training and examining road site for the driver training and examining yard , which can be referred for the similar projects .

  7. 鄂东北地区传统戏场建筑丛考(上)&戏场建筑的产生极其发展沿革

    Research on Traditional Theater Buildings in Northeast in Hubei Province ( Part One ): the Origin and Development of Theater Buildings

  8. 鄂西北山区传统戏场建筑丛考(下)&戏场建筑的实例及其建筑特征

    Investigation on Traditional Theater Buildings of Northwest in Hubei Province ( Part Two ): Taking the Theater Buildings and Architecture Characteristic an Example

  9. 还有另外一场雾,远离考福里的烟雾。

    There was another fog , far away from the smog of corvere .

  10. 他说,为了避开新托福,很多学生争相参加最后几场托福纸笔考。

    He said many of his students rushed to take the last several written TOEFL exams to avoid the new one .

  11. 假使来一场全面战争,考利昂家族就会被粉碎,大家也都要吃亏,我本人也包括在内。

    If it goes to all-out war the Corleone Family , will be ' smashed and everybody loses , me included .