
  1. 换句话说,Rational统一过程是一个工具,这个工具能帮助达到商业目标,获得竞争前沿,或者简单地提供一个交流的工具使得工业标准能够在你的工作场所中增加价值。

    In other words , RUP is a vehicle to help achieve business goals , gain a competitive edge , or simply provide a better communication vehicle so industry standards can add value in your workplace .

  2. 经过多年不懈的努力,我国演艺产业初步摆脱了原来靠财政补贴维持运营的被动局面,走出了演艺创新经营创新的发展道路,演艺场所的投资价值日益显现。

    After years of unremitting efforts , the national entertainment industry have broken away from finance support gradually , and developing through entertainment innovation and management innovation , the investment value of entertainment lieu appears increasingly .

  3. 对于学生、决策者和纳税人来说,在工作场所学历有什么价值是个大问题,尤其是越来越多的学生接受高等教育,这使得这些学生越来越没有优势。

    ACADEMIC qualifications'value in the workplace is a big issue for students , policymakers and taxpayers , especially as the rising numbers of students in higher education make them less distinctive .

  4. 虚拟价值链是处于市场场所的企业物质价值链在市场空间中的镜像反映,它是由与物质增值活动所对应的信息增值活动独立出来而构成的价值增值链条。

    The virtual value chain is that the mirror image in market space of enterprise material value chain , it is from with material appreciation activity corresponding information appreciation value appreciation roller chain that activity seperate and form .

  5. 物流中的采购、库存及运输等环节,分别解决了供给者与需求者之间场所和时间的分离,分别是物流创造场所价值和时间价值的主要功能因素,是物流系统中的关键环节。

    Transportation and inventory solve the problems of time separation and place separation between the supplier and the vendor respectively . They are the main function factors that create place value and time value through logistics and two essential links in logistics system .