
  • 网络Greening the motherland;make the country green
  1. 绿化祖国,人人有责。

    It 's everybody 's duty to make our motherland green .

  2. 植树造林,绿化祖国,造福后代。

    Plant trees everywhere and make our country green in the interest of future generations .

  3. 民兵在植树造林、绿化祖国方面作出了哪些突出成绩?

    What outstanding success did commando make in respect of motherland of afforestation , afforest ?

  4. 这对动员全国各族人民积极开展绿化祖国活动,有着十分重要的意义。

    This is to mobilize people of all nationalities active in greening the motherland of great significance . Kite-flying

  5. 绿化祖国是我国的基本国策,林木良种工作是绿化事业的重要环节,具有战略意义。

    To afforest our country is one of the fundamental policy in our country . The breeding improved variety of forest tree is an important link in afforestation .