
  1. 流域生态补偿与扶贫有着密切的联系。

    Ecological compensation of valley has close contact with poverty support .

  2. 沙化地区生态保护与扶贫的冲突及整合初探&析《防沙治沙法》之生态保护与扶贫相结合原则

    On Conflict and Conformity of Sandy Area 's Ecological Protection and Poverty Alleviation

  3. 油茶在制取新药、生态建设及扶贫开发等方面也具有良好的开发前景。

    Camellia oleifera will have better development prospect on producing new medicine , ecological construction , poverty alleviation , etc.

  4. 生态旅游与云南扶贫攻坚战略

    Ecotourism and the Strategy Trying to Tackle the Most Difficult Part-Alleviating Poverty in Yunnan

  5. 建立资源环境承载能力监测预警机制,对限制开发区域和生态脆弱的国家扶贫开发工作重点县取消地区生产总值考核。

    Build monitoring and warning mechanisms for the carrying capacity of natural resources and the environment . End the GDP assessment of key poverty-alleviation areas with fragile eco-systems .