
  • 网络ecosystem approach
  1. 生态系统方法及其在生态环境管理中的应用

    The Ecosystem Approach and Its Application in Eco-environment System Management

  2. 有指示因素-判断标准-临界值评定监测体系、土地质量指标计划PSR框架评价、生态系统方法评价等。

    There has indicators-criteria-thresholds assessment monitor system ; there has land quality programme-PSR frame assessment and there has ecosystem approach assessment and so on .

  3. 生态系统方法作为当今国内外海岸带管理的前沿与热点,为海岸带综合管理提供了一种新方法和新思路。

    As the frontier research issue , the ecosystem approach provides a new approach for the integrated coastal zone management ( ICM ) .

  4. 生态系统分析方法与农业科技示范园规划

    Ecosystem Analysis and Planning of Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Park

  5. 本文介绍了一种设计参与型系统的生态系统的方法。

    This article presents an approach to designing a system of engagements ecosystem .

  6. 关于复合生态系统评价方法的探讨

    Studies on assessment means about compound ecosystem

  7. 起源于林业等自然资源管理的生态系统管理方法也适合于水资源的管理。

    Ecosystem management approach , originated in the forestry and other natural resource management , is also suitable for water resources management .

  8. 在生态系统管理方法的基础上,将经济系统变量有机融入生态系统中的做法,称之为生态经济管理模式。

    Based on the ecosystem management approach , the way of integrating the economic system variables organically into the ecosystem approach was called the ecological and economic management .

  9. 干旱区土地退化生态系统的评价方法

    The Evaluation Method on Ecosystem of Sand Degradation in Arid Area

  10. 区域生态系统健康评价方法与应用研究

    Ecosystem Health Evaluation Methodologies and Application Research on Regional Dimension

  11. 城市生态系统的模拟方法:灵敏度模型及其改进

    A simulation method of urban ecosystems : sensitivity model and its improvement

  12. 河流生态系统恢复评价方法及指标体系研究

    Study on the Method and Index System of River Ecosystem Restoration Assessment

  13. 研究了小流域生态系统健康评价方法及指标体系。

    The small watershed ecosystem health assessment methods and index system were studied .

  14. 珠海淇澳岛红树林湿地生态系统的建立方法

    The Method of Building the Mangrove Wetland Ecosystem in Qi'ao Island , Zhuhai

  15. 干旱地区经济-生态环境系统规划方法与应用

    Economic-Environmental System Planning for Arid Regions in China

  16. 基于压力-状态-响应模型的农业生态系统健康评价方法

    Assessment Method of Agroecosystem Health of Based on Pressure - State - Response Model

  17. 生态系统理论与方法在城市用地评定中的应用&以湖南省常德市为例

    The Application of the Ecological System Theory and Method on the Urban Land Evaluation

  18. 农业生态系统健康评估方法研究概况

    Progress of Assessment Methods of Agroecosystem Health

  19. 生态工业系统分析方法

    The Approach on Systems Analysis of Eco-industry

  20. 生态系统健康评价方法初探

    Assessment method of ecosystem health

  21. 研究区域生态系统定量评价方法对区域生态系统的建设与保护具有十分重要的意义。

    Study on the method of quantitative assessment for regional ecosystem is significant in constructing and protecting regional ecosystem .

  22. 初步探讨了海岸带生态系统健康评价方法。

    With the above approach , methodologies for assessing the healthiness of coastal zone ecosystem are studies in this thesis .

  23. 虚拟草地生态系统的建立方法河滩草地;

    Developing a virtual grassland ecosystem website : methodologies and implementation & for sharing research and outreach information ( d ) bottomland meadow ;

  24. 通过复合菌群的选择富集培养和水体微生物修复试验,研究了水体微生态系统的优化方法及其在水体修复的作用;

    After enrichment incubation experiments of complex bacterium , effects of the optimization of water body micro-ecosystem on the improvement of water bioremediation were also studied .

  25. 专家们对云南高原湖泊的治理提出了4个方面的建议:以改善、恢复湖泊生态系统结构的方法控制富营养化;

    Experts put forward four aspects proposal of Yunnan Plateau Lakes restoration : control eutrophication by the way of improving and restoring lakes ecological system structure ;

  26. 介绍了农业生态系统能量分析方法的历史与进展,并对能流分析与能值分析两种方法进行了对比。

    The history and some development of energy analysis on agro-ecosystems are reviewed briefly , and a comparative study between energy analysis and emergy analysis is made .

  27. 在可持续理论的指导下,采用生态系统管理的方法对国际河流流域进行综合性的开发与管理是发展的必然趋势。

    Under the direction of sustainable theory , it is the tendency to adopt the method of ecosystem management to develop and manage the international river basin comprehensively .

  28. 将分布式水文模型和生态系统健康评价方法融合在一起,建立了基于流域水文循环过程的生态需水量化方法。

    The distributed hydrology model and health assessment method are syncretized together , and the quantification method of ecological water demand based on water cycle process is established .

  29. 提出了基于模糊概率的河流生态系统健康评价方法,以反映河流健康状况以及不同健康状况河段所占的比例。

    An evaluation method based on fuzzy-probability synthetic method was established for the evaluation of the healthy status and the determination of proportion of rivers with different healthy status .

  30. 海岛生态系统健康评价方法研究根据海岛生态系统的复杂性特征,本文将其划分为岛陆、潮间带和近海三个子系统,针对各子系统的特征及其相互关系进行了研究;

    Health evaluation method of island ecological systemAs a complex ecological system , island was decomposed into three subsystems , which include island land , tideland , and onshore .