
shēnɡ mìnɡ dài
  • life zone
  1. 本文综述了高山生命带植物繁育系统研究的最新进展。

    This paper deals with recent advances in plant breeding system of alpine life zone .

  2. 对于虫媒植物而言,熊蜂的高效传粉使其成为高山生命带主要的传粉昆虫;

    Because of its high pollination efficiency , the bumblebee has become a dominant pollinator in alpine life zone .

  3. 就是那个盒子,将生命带到了地球。

    The box which brought life to earth .

  4. 倘若你将一个生命带到世界上来,你便对他负有义务。

    If you bring a life into the world , you owe the child something .

  5. 他从苦难中走来,希冀给所有生命带去同样的命运。

    He is drawn to places of great suffering and seeks to bring all to a similar fate .

  6. 海岸是海水与陆地的交界线,是一种重要的生态边界线,也是海洋经济可持续发展的生命带,是海洋强国的起跑带。

    Coastline is not only the boundary between sea and land , but also an important ecological boundary and lifeline for marine economy sustained development .

  7. 在新的一年中当你继续你的灵性旅程,请在你的修行中摆上这份心:无论何时何地,为你的生命带进无条件的爱。

    As you continue your spiritual journey in this new year , please make this the very heart of your practice : Bring unconditional love into your life whenever and wherever you can .

  8. 新妈妈的压力还源于那些在社交媒体上讲述自己分娩过程、炫耀自己将新生命带到这个世界的女性,以及那些似乎可以轻松分娩的明星。

    Adding to the stresses of new mothers are women who write about their births on social media and talk airily of bringing new life into the world , and celebrities who make giving birth seem effortless .

  9. 实际上除了那个能把惹麻烦的生命带到人世的动作之外那动作远远不能体现母亲这个称号在时髦圈子里母亲这东西是不存在的。

    Indeed , except for the mere act of bringing a troublesome creature into this world which does not go far towards the realisation of the name of mother there was no such thing known to the fashion .

  10. 生命万花筒,带我们共轮回。

    That the twisting kaleidoscope , moves us all in turn .

  11. 因此,难道不可以这样说——我的生命正是带着它所有的局限性,从许多角度来感受世间万物之美的吗?

    Is it not true , then , that my life with all its limitations touches at many points the life of the World Beautiful ?

  12. 某天,我和母亲谈到我的世界观正在改变,她对我说,我将在生命里一直带着尊重的心。

    One day , I had a conversation with my mother about how my worldview was starting to change , and she said something to me that I will hold dear to my heart for as long as I live .

  13. 我以生命起誓,会带你出去你不用蹚这浑水,再也不…

    I swear on my life , I will get you out of this . You will walk away and never ever ...

  14. 门徒们从祂所要接受的,不是祂在地上时的生命乃是复活的生命这生命带着胜过死亡的大能,并且也带着被高举超过一切而达到神右边的能力。

    The disciples were to receive from Him , not the life He then had , but the resurrection life in the power of its victory over death , and of His exaltation to the right hand of God .