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  • survivor
  1. 16个人(分成AB两队)参加了生还者游戏。

    Sixteen people ( Team A and Team B ) entered Survivor Game .

  2. 泰坦尼克号的为最后一名生还者MillvinaDean逝世,享年97岁。1912年4月4日,泰坦尼克号撞到冰山沉没,当时Dean还只是一个小孩。

    The woman believed to be the last survivor of the Titanic has died , Millvina Dean was 97 years old , Dean was just an infant when the Titanic struck an iceberg during its maiden voyage on April 14th , 1912 .

  3. 生还者不知所措,心有余悸,等待着救援船只。

    Survivors waited for the rescue boats , dazed and frightened .

  4. 找到生还者的希望有多大?

    What chance is there of anybody being found alive ?

  5. 生还者紧紧抱住一块块漂浮在水面上的残骸。

    Survivors clung to pieces of floating debris .

  6. 生还者一直指责安全标准执行不严。

    There have been allegations from survivors that safety standards had been lax

  7. 生还者们面色惨白,看起来仍然惊魂未定。

    The survivors were ashen-faced and visibly shaken .

  8. 生还者身上有冻伤。

    The survivors suffered from frostbite .

  9. 地震生还者被直升机救了出来。

    Survivors of the earthquake were rescued by helicopter .

  10. 敌军生还者很少。

    Few of the enemy troops got out alive .

  11. 生还者认识到,他们不过是上帝的舞台上有知觉的木偶而已。

    The living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God 's stage .

  12. 来自WIKI关于1945年奥斯维辛集中营中的儿童生还者的照片

    Child survivors photographed at Auschwitz in 1945 . ( Wikimedia )

  13. 在每部续集和新游戏《最后生还者》(TheLastofUs)的开发过程中,从捕捉性能,让虚拟角色栩栩如生的技术人员到丰富且令人上瘾的游戏体验,艾米亨尼格负责监管一切事务。

    With each sequel , as well as the new The Last of Us , Amy Hennig has overseen everything from the performance-captured actors that bring the virtual characters to life to the rich and addictive gameplay .

  14. 第三部分……n.消失三个生还者详细地告诉了我们军团是如何被敌人消灭的。

    Part 3 ...... annihilate Three survivors told us in detail how the regiment was annihilated by the enemy .

  15. 历史文献显示那个救了Rose的官员HaroldLowe花了45分钟寻找生还者。

    Historical documents show that Fifth Officer Harold Lowe , who was depicted rescuing Rose , looked for survivors 45 minutes .

  16. 《迷失》在ABC电视台播出了整整六季。讲述的是一架飞机在一个神秘小岛上坠毁后生还者的努力活下去的故事。

    Lost , which ran for six seasons on ABC , followed a group of survivors from an airplane crash trying to survive on an island in the middle of nowhere .

  17. 约3万救援人员搜寻生还者.警方说,11人仍然下落不明,公共广播公司NHK报道说.

    About 30000 rescue workers are looking forsurvivors . Police said 11 people are still missing , public broadcaster NHKreported .

  18. 第六季首集长两个小时,刚好从第五季没有讲完的紧张情节开始。当时脊椎外科医生、坠机生还者谢泼德(JackShephard)(由马修福克斯饰演)努力控制岛屿上的时空穿梭机。

    The two-hour season six premiere picks up right where the season five cliffhanger left off , when spinal surgeon and crash survivor Jack Shephard , played by Matthew Fox , tries to manipulate the island 's shadowy time-travel properties .

  19. 生还者急切需要医疗救助,食物和饮用水。

    The survivors desperately needed medical help , food and water .

  20. 生还者从没提过那些孩子有录像机。

    The survivors never mentioned the kids having a video camera .

  21. 七个生还者都看到了有船在雾中。

    All seven survivors say they saw ships within that fog .

  22. 刚刚这里发现了一个生还者。

    A survivor was found here just a moment ago .

  23. 对生还者而言,苦难才刚刚开始。

    For the survivors , the ordeal was just beginning .

  24. 这名士兵是这场战斗唯一的生还者。

    This soldier was the sole survivor of the battle .

  25. 我需要知道生还者的准确数目。

    I need to know the exact number of survivors .

  26. 在马口村,地震生还者互相帮助,重建家园。

    Makou , where survivors of the earthquake help each other rebuild .

  27. 估计半径有一英里,没有生还者。

    Estimated at nearly a mile long , and there are no survivors .

  28. 寻找并救助生还者的军事行动。

    A military rescue mission to search for survivors and to rescue them .

  29. 生还者及时重建,旧金山很快就恢复过来了。

    In time , the survivors rebuilt , and San Francisco bounced back .

  30. 他环视其余的生还者。

    He looked over the rest of the survivors .